Texas Association of the Deaf welcomes you to this special Power Point presentation. Do enjoy!

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1 Texas Association of the Deaf welcomes you to this special Power Point presentation. Do enjoy!


3 Texas Association of the Deaf (TAD) is an organization for persons who are D/deaf or hard of hearing. It is a membership organization that provides information and Education, including surveys and studies to bring the viewpoint on various issues affecting the lives who are D/deaf or hard of hearing at all levels of the community. TAD also helps to ensure communications accessibility in our state, counties, and cities to our D/deaf and hard of hearing Texans. WHAT IS TAD?

4 TAD HISTORY Prevented plans to sell TSD’s present historical site in Austin and have the school relocated outside Austin. Prevented plans to sell TSD’s present historical site in Austin and have the school relocated outside Austin. Took part in creating the County-Wide Day School system, which later became the Regional Schools for the Deaf under Senate Bill 803. Helped organize the Texas Society of Interpreters for the Deaf and secure its legal recognition. This become an important factor in the lives of the D/deaf in Texas.

5 TAD HISTORY (cont ’ d) Responsible for the famous "Deaf Package of Bills," which in part resulted in the creation of the Texas Commission for the Deaf and other benefits during the legislative session of 1967. Responsible for the famous "Deaf Package of Bills," which in part resulted in the creation of the Texas Commission for the Deaf and other benefits during the legislative session of 1967. Instrumental in organizing the Parent-Professional Section, which has become an affiliate of our state association. Sponsored a bill during the 66th Legislature in 1979 to reorganize the Texas Commission of the Deaf and also fully supported the activities of the "1880 Committee" which made 10 recommendations that eventually become law to benefits all of the deaf citizens of Texas.

6 TAD HISTORY (cont ’ d) Helped created TSD as an independent school district in 1981. Helped with the establishment of Southwest College for the Deaf in Big Spring in 1980 and also endorsed the college's first director who was deaf. Spearheaded a successful statewide campaign to restore the Texas Commission of the Deaf after it was voted to be abolished by a legislative committee in 1985. Celebrated its four-day centennial convention in 1985 in Austin.

7 The TAD is proud of its historic accomplishments in the past, and recognizes those pioneers who improved the quality of life for D/deaf and hard of hearing Texans. …However, it is not the over. We may have a lot of turnovers and reconstructions of our organization, but we are doing so to make improvements to better serve for the D/deaf and hard of hearing communities. We are still here, and we are working hard with our task force committees and for you!

8 Fundraising TASKFORCES Membership Health Care Access Advocacy & Agency Watchdog TEA Deaf Education Mental Health Issues Interpreter Study TASK FORCES OF TAD

9 Emails LettersInvitations MORE ISSUES? Contact Board Members: www.deaftexas.org …many more ways to contact us. just invite us and many more for discussions to express your comments and concerns.

10  Board Director  Necrology YOU ARE WANTED!  Membership Coordinator  Legislative Committee  Newsletter Editor/Writer  Fundraiser Expert  Conference C ommittee (contact Karen Kirby)  Pageant Committee (contact Terri Levine)

11 This special PowerPoint presentation was partially developed by the Whalen Administration and currently modified by the Baldwin Administration for this Deaf Nation Expo on March 1, 2008.

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