Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel IFLA World Library and Information Congress August 2014, Lyon, France Didier FRANÇOIS Deputy Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel IFLA World Library and Information Congress August 2014, Lyon, France Didier FRANÇOIS Deputy Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel IFLA World Library and Information Congress August 2014, Lyon, France Didier FRANÇOIS Deputy Director Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA) The Prime Minister Department FRANCE

2 The Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Direction de l’Information légale et administrative – DILA) is one of the services of the Prime Minister, since 2010 The DILA has about 800 employees and 3 main missions: - To ensure the public have access to the laws and all legal, economic and financial information - To ensure that citizens are given all the information they need for their administrative formalities, their rights and their duties - To help citizens access the public debate by editing and distributing publications and providing internet-based documents Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France What is the DILA?

3 France has been releasing its official texts electronically since 1998 with the first version of the Legifrance Website, without a probative legal value In 2003, the DILA was charged to modernizing aiming to authenticate the Journal officiel of the French Republic diffused over the internet It has resulted in the design and the implementation of an electronic signature based on a key management infrastructure - IGC Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France The evolution of the authentication

4 Availability The whole of the Journal officiel (JO) publication process is organised around a high level of availability of all the resources implemented Integrity Different security requirements but no change in the integrity requirements identified in the policy memorandum Confidentiality Confidentiality applies solely internally to the Directorate of the Journal officiel before the good for print is given Proof The production system of the Lois et décrets JO only requires traceability by the "validators" Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France The security criteria

5 This IGC is based on a chain of confidence with recognized certificates of IGC/A (the root certificate of the French administration) For our website we put in place a redundant distribution architecture on the Internet (4 web servers) Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France On a technical front On a functional front Special arrangement have been made: - To adapt the electronic itemization to on-screen reading - To take into account the necessary exclusion of certain texts whose release is limited to paper version

6 The signature outfit is based on a software approved by the ANSSI (Agence nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information) The signatory agents carry a smart card with its own certificate to guarantee the identity of the individuals At the end, the authentic document created is a PDF file encapsulated to the European standard XAdES Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France Currently

7 The authenticated Journal officiel has the same legal value as the paper version Both publications are released and available every day Every Journal officiel published since 2 June, 2014 is available freely on the website Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France Conclusion

8 Thank you for your attention Authentication of the French Digital Journal officiel Didier FRANÇOIS, Deputy Director of the DILA, France IFLA Congress, 2014, Lyon, France

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