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1 Culture Clash Parachute into any culture and get the job done while respecting local customs. Avoid costly strategic fiascos. Use the Global Leader.

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2 1 Culture Clash Parachute into any culture and get the job done while respecting local customs. Avoid costly strategic fiascos. Use the Global Leader Pyramid™ to decode any national or corporate culture. Work with the Global Integrator™ to navigate cross-cultural mergers, joint ventures and virtual teams. Orchestrate global meetings and teleconferences that create alignment and get results.

3 2 Culture Clash: German Coast Guard

4 3

5 4 Decoding any culture: onion model Founders and their values? Heroes and their values? Villains and the values they violate? Defining moments and the decisions they prompted? Proverbs? Discussion: example?

6 5 Global Integrator Eight Dimensions: 1. Time 2. Space 3. Rules 4. Change 5. Status 6. Leadership 7. Credibility 8. Communication

7 6 Leadership Checklist [Handout: Self-Assessment Checklist.] Rate yourself in each competency from 1 (worst) to 10 (best). Your 3 strong-suits? Your 3 top priorities for growth and development?

8 7 In Conclusion:8 Tips from Lawrence of Arabia Remember: foreigners are not popular. Go easy at first. Learn all you can. Win and keep the leaders’ confidence. Treat them with respect. Remain in touch. Ideal position: to be present and unnoticed. The less apparent your interference, the more you influence… Cling tight to your sense of humor.

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