NT 260 Pauline Letter A Presented by : Joseph Wu Iok Ka.

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1 NT 260 Pauline Letter A Presented by : Joseph Wu Iok Ka

2 Paul the letter writer and his theology

3 Paul’s letter  1 Thessalonians and  2 Thessalonians  Galatians  1 Corinthian and  2 Corinthian

4 Ancient Greek letters Pliny to the Roman emperor in second century CE, written on the piece of papyrus.

5 The structure of ancient Greek letters  Sender and recipient named  Greeting to the recipients  Main body of the letter  Prayer for the recipients  Closing greeting

6 The structure of ancient Greek letters  Sender and recipient named added co-authord  Greeting to the recipients  Main body of the letter  Prayer for the recipients  Closing greeting (Long)

7 Rhetorical criticism of the Pauline letters  The Rome famous orator and teacher Quintilian

8 Hans Dieter Betz  The rhetorical structure of Galatians

9 The Epistolary prescript (1.1-5) The letter opening, naming the sender, addressees, etc. The exordium(1.6-11) The opening section of the speech, intended to prepare our audience in such a way that they will be disposed to lend a ready ear to the rest of our speech(Quintilian4.1.5) The narratio(1.12-2.14) A ‘statement of facts:the events and facts leading up to and bearing upon the case. The propositio(2.15-21) A summary of what is to be drawn from the narratio, any points of disagreement, and the main theses to be proven The probation (3.1-4.31) The ‘proof’ (often in various parts)which is essential to establish the case.. The exhortatio orparaenesis (5.1-6.10) Exhortation and instruction The epistolary postscript or conclusio(6.11-18) Written in Paul’s own hand (see 6.11), authenticating the letter, summing it up and adding any final concerns 1975 Hans Dieter Betz outlining page 51-51

10 Margaret Mitchell Three type of rhetorical 1 Corinthians  Forensic or Judicial  Deliberative  Epideictic

11 Paul was Pioneering theologian What is the heart message of Paul ?

12 stories  Adam (sinned)  Abraham (faith)  Christ (redeemer)

13 Two school of about The death of Christ  Sacrificial perspective They are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemptin…Rom3.24

14 Two school of about The death of Christ  participative perspective Should we continue in sinned and fall short of the glory of God…Rom4.1

15 Christology : God or man  Pre-existent Son of God Rom 9.5;Col1.15  Born of a woman Gal4.4; Phil 2.5-11

16 God the father  God the father  Creator

17 The Spirit  Old Testament  New Testament  Dichotomy

18 Eschatology and salvation  Jewish apocalyptic view (In the last day)  Paul’s eschatology (The day of the Lord)






24 Righteousness and faith  William Wrede,  Albert Schweitzer

25 1.subject or object  Object genitive  Subject genitive

26 To believe or to have faith To believe : I (subject) believe in Christ (object) To have faith :accepting a faith from Christ(subject), to have faith to forgive our(object) sins

27 Ethics Indicative: She is sitting on the chair Imperative : Sit on the chair

28 Discussion According to Page 70-71 what do Horrell may stand for which kind of millennium? And what is your standing about millennium?

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