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3. Active Faith, Proven Wisdom James 2:14-26 & 3:13-18.

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1 3. Active Faith, Proven Wisdom James 2:14-26 & 3:13-18

2 Show Me!  My fair Lady (1964)  Words words words!  …Show me!

3 Show us!  Are we caught in: Correct statements more important than a godly lifestyle? Verbal profession of faith no action – or actions that contrary to the faith we profess? Empty words, foolish arguments instead of Pure worship, charity and hospitality?

4 1. Active Faith.  James 2:14-26 What good is it…faith but no deeds? (v14) Can such faith save them?  “Someone” – imaginary interlocutor but raising real concerns. Two aspects in v14 What good is it… Claims to have faith…

5 1. Active Faith.  Two negative illustrations: #1 The needy brother or sister turned away. #2 Even demons believe

6 1. Active Faith.  #1 Needy brother or sister turned away -  2:15 -16 What good is it?  Keith Green Song – Asleep in the Light “'Cause He brings people to you door And you turn them away as you smile and say God bless you, be at peace and all heaven just weeps 'Cause Jesus came to you door you've left Him out in the street”

7 1. Active Faith  My story  James’ conclusion:  “It is NO GOOD”!  2.17 Faith without works is dead!

8 1 Active Faith  # 2 Even demons believe 2.19 belief does not mean faith

9 1. Active Faith  2 Positive illustrations #1 Abraham 2.21-24 #2 Rahab 2:25-26

10 2. Proven Wisdom  James 3:13-18 Who is wise? SHOW ME! Two kinds of wisdom

11 2. Proven Wisdom  James 3:15 Wisdom not from heaven Earthly Unspiritual Demonic  3.15 – Bitter envy and selfish ambitions  3.16 disorder and evil practices

12 2. Proven Wisdom  James 3:17 Wisdom from above Pure Peace-loving Submissive Full of mercy and good fruit Impartial and sincere  Sows in peace – harvest Righteousness

13 2. Proven Wisdom  Wisdom and Spirit  James 3.17 and Gal 5.22-23  Tree know by it’s fruit  Christlikeness is the family resemblance for the Christian  Not human efforts but work of God in the life of the believer

14 3. Application Questions to Ask? How does your faith make a difference in the way you live? How can you show hospitality to the poor? What is Faith in Action for you? How can you bring peace amidst strife? Do we have favoritism in our midst? Actions to do? Thank God that Christ’s work on the Cross is sufficient. Ask God how you can live out the reality of the new life. Take someone out for lunch or invite them over for a meal Pray with someone Seek right relationships that honor God.

15 James challenge to all of us who claim to be followers of Jesus and have received God’s Spirit -

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