How to Obtain Wisdom (James 1:5-8). A Brief Review Last week we began a series of lessons concerning the book of James. Our theme is “How To” Christianity.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Obtain Wisdom (James 1:5-8). A Brief Review Last week we began a series of lessons concerning the book of James. Our theme is “How To” Christianity."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Obtain Wisdom (James 1:5-8)

2 A Brief Review Last week we began a series of lessons concerning the book of James. Our theme is “How To” Christianity. In our first lesson we learned from (1:2-4) how we can survive trying times. We can survive trying times if we will: –Accept the reality of trying times (1:2) –Advance the right attitude (1:2) –Adopt the intended purpose (1:3) –Anticipate the outcome (1:4)

3 How to Obtain Wisdom Acknowledge the Proper Context (1:2-4) Adhere to a Practical Command (1:5) Accept the Pre-determined Condition (1:6-8)

4 Acknowledging the Proper Context Understanding the context in which our text was written helps us to understand the necessity of gaining wisdom. James’ audience was struggling with many trials in their life. In like manner, we too struggle with various trials and tribulations. Some of our trials are a result of outside forces that are beyond our control while other trials we face are a result of self- generated stupidity. In all of these circumstances, we need God’s wisdom to deal with our trials effectively.

5 Adhering to a Practical Command Now that we see the need for obtaining God’s wisdom, we can now take the next step in securing it. But first, we need to examine why we often times lack wisdom. –Pride –Unfounded Confidence –Despair –Looking in the Wrong Places

6 Adhering to a Practical Command With this said, we need to know that obeying the Lord’s practical command will give us the wisdom we need to deal with our trials and tribulations. What is the command? James says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God…”

7 Adhering to a Practical Command There are two keys to securing wisdom from God. First, we need to ask for it. James goes on to say in (4:2), “Yet you do not have because you do not ask.” Profoundly simply, is it not? And yet, how many of us fail to ask God. Even Jesus commanded us to ask! (Matthew 7:7-11; 21:22; John 15:7)

8 Adhering to a Practical Command The second key in securing wisdom is to ask of God. Asking to receive wisdom from any source other than God is a colossal waste of time. God alone gives wisdom that is pure, practical, powerful, perserving, perceptive, pleasing and perfect! (Romans 11:33)

9 Adhering to a Practical Command Having God’s wisdom gives us the opportunity to secure for ourselves: –Life for our soul (Proverbs 3:22) –Safety in our daily walk (Proverbs 3:23) –Security in our relationship with Him (Proverbs 3:23) –Sweet rest (Proverbs 3:24) –Commendation from others (Proverbs 12:8) –A good life (Proverbs 24:3,4) –Strength for living (Proverbs 25:5)

10 Accepting the Pre-Determined Condition God will give wisdom to those who ask for it if one condition is met and that is we must ask in faith, not doubting! God does not and will not reward the doubter or the double-minded (literally double-souled). The reason for this is because God does not want His children to question His omnipotence, His generosity, or His willingness to keep His promises!

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