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Immigration. Plymouth Colony 1620-1691 English settlers – Pilgrims – seeking religious freedom "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment.

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1 Immigration


3 Plymouth Colony 1620-1691 English settlers – Pilgrims – seeking religious freedom "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." — U.S. Constitution

4 1619 African Arrival in Virginia 20 Africans Transported in a Dutch ship, stolen from a Spanish ship Traded for food, left in Jamestown, VA as servants “Servant” becomes “Slave” in less than a generation – at first justified by religious difference, later by skin color.

5 The Naturalization Act of 1790 First law setting rules for granting of US citizenship (Constitution grants that power to Congress) All “free white persons” of “good character” Excludes: American Indians, slaves, free Blacks and Asians

6 Potato Famine (Ireland, 1845 – 1851) 1 million dead 1 million emigrated Population of Ireland decreased 25% Ireland produced ample food for export – Irish natives couldn’t afford to feed themselves By 1850, the Irish made up a quarter of the population in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

7 Shift in Immigration Old Immigrants (1620 – 1840) Protestants England, Germany, the Netherlands White, fair hair and eyes New Immigrants (1840 – 1920) Irish, Asian, Eastern European, Italian Looked different Catholic, Jewish, many different faiths Led to emergence of “nativist” movements

8 Nativism

9 The Emergency Quota Act (1921) First time numerical limits were placed on immigration Quotas based on ethnicity Each year US would admit no more than 3% of number of residents from that same country already living in the U.S. Maintains the existing ethnic mixture 1920: 805,228 immigrants 1922: 309,556

10 The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 Eliminated the national origins quotas of the Emergency Quota Act Created new guidelines Gave preference to family members Skilled laborers Per-country limits Total immigration limit

11 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 Required employers to attest to emplyees’ immigration status Illegal to hire/recruit illegal immigrants Legalized some seasonal agricultural workers Amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants in the US prior to 1982.


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