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DA-XXX-ID2 Photographer 1 Owner of Photograph or Electronic Image(s): Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Copyright.

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Presentation on theme: "DA-XXX-ID2 Photographer 1 Owner of Photograph or Electronic Image(s): Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Copyright."— Presentation transcript:

1 DA-XXX-ID2 Photographer 1 Owner of Photograph or Electronic Image(s): Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Copyright Holder: Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Attest (in lieu of signature): Individual AIA California Council Photo Release The Owners and copyright holders of the photographs/images submitted to AIACC in connection with the 2012 Council Awards Program, hereby grant permission to the AIACC, to use and reproduce this material for the following purposes: 1. For publicity in other media to announce the awards, and to educate the public about architectural design. 2. Electronic images may be retained for the AIACC image library. The AIACC will include credit and any notice of copyright on all electronic images that it publishes and will include this information with material distributed to other media. However, the AIACC will not be responsible for the failure of other persons or media to identify this information in its/his/her publications. No royalties or other amounts shall be payable by the AIACC for use of these materials. Recipients of a 2012 AIACC Council Award will be asked to provide high resolution photographs for all print media. Photographer 2 Owner of Photograph or Electronic Image(s): Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Copyright Holder: Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Attest (in lieu of signature): Individual Photographer 3 Owner of Photograph or Electronic Image(s): Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Copyright Holder: Firm or Individual Address City, State, Zip Telephone (incl. area code) Attest (in lieu of signature): Individual

2 DA-XXX-ID2 AIA Policy – Uncompensated Interns Release/ Understanding (each entrant is required to attest to this statement below.) It is policy of The American Institute of Architects that individuals participating in awards programs sponsored by the AIA or receiving awards from such programs are required to sign a declaration stating that neither they individually, or any firm which they are an owner or manager, employ unpaid intern architects. I have read, understand, and accept The AIA California Council policy: Any architect desiring to promote or to be promoted by The AIACC, through involvement in any awards programs, publications, or speaking engagements, certify that they and/or their firms refrain from employing unpaid interns in their professional practice. Attest (in lieu of signature): Individual The entrant into The AIACC’s Awards Program hereby accepts and acknowledges that it has no right, contractual or otherwise, to be recognized as an AIACC Awards winner. AIACC’s Award winners are determined and prizes are awarded in the sole and absolute discretion of the Jury. The entrant hereby accepts and acknowledges that the Jury’s decisions in selecting The AIACC’s Awards Program winners are final and non-appealable. The entrant will indemnify AIACC and will hold AIACC harmless from, against and in respect of any and all liabilities, damages, losses, deficiencies, costs, judgments, amounts paid in settlement, interest, penalties, assessments and out-of-pocket expenses (including attorneys’ fees and the costs of AIACC staff) incurred in connection with, or arising out of the defense of, or any proceeding with respect to any claims, whether accrued, contingent or otherwise incurred in connection with or arising out of the entrant’s entry into The AIACC Awards Program.

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