Maglev Train Project By: Jake Homan Carter Houlihan Jack Durkin Nolan Roberts and Aiden Gerhart.

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Presentation on theme: "Maglev Train Project By: Jake Homan Carter Houlihan Jack Durkin Nolan Roberts and Aiden Gerhart."— Presentation transcript:


2 Maglev Train Project By: Jake Homan Carter Houlihan Jack Durkin Nolan Roberts and Aiden Gerhart

3 Costs Cost Per Stop= $10,000,000 Cost per mile= $10,000,000 N.Y. to Chicago= $6, 975,000,000 Chicago to Dallas= $8,100,000,000 Dallas to Phoenix= $9,000,000,000 Phoenix to San Francisco=$6,750,000,000 Total Cost= $30,650,000,000

4 What is a Magnetic Levitation Train? It is a high speed train that is lifted by magnetic repulsion and propelled along an elevated guide way by powerful magnets attached to the vehicle

5 How Does A Magnet Levitation Train Work? It is lifted by magnetic repulsion along an elevated guide by powerful magnets attached to the vehicle

6 What Countries Are Currently Using Magnetic Levitation Trains? Germany Japan China Malaysia

7 Where are these Trains Being Considered for Use In The U.S.A? Maryland New York Boston Washington D.C.

8 How Are The Magnetic Levitation Tracks Built? The track is made out of reinforced steel or concrete guide way beams

9 What Speeds can the Trains Travel? Up to 310mph

10 What is the Average Amount of Passengers That can be Transported on a Magnetic Levitation Train? Up to 10,000 people

11 How are Magnetic Levitation Trains Designed and Built? A wire that is wound in the track is the thing that powers the maglev The train has superconducting magnets that induce the magnetic fields in the wire

12 Pros and Cons Pros- Faster, more efficient, less noise, can hold more people and safer. Cons- It takes too long to build track, very expensive, it gives off radiation, Affect airline businesses because people will go on these trains instead of flying in a plane

13 What are Some Health and Safety Concerns? Radiation Becoming nauseous Claustrophobia

14 Expense Sheet DateItemExpenseTotal Expenses 1/10/143,060 miles of track$30,600,000,000 1/10/145 stops$50,000,000 1/14/14Test$3,000,000 1/15/14Test$3,000,000 1/15/14 Test $3,000,000


16 Destination Points New York Chicago, Illinois Dallas, Texas Phoenix, Arizona San Francisco, California

17 Map

18 Distances New York to Chicago= 697.5 miles Chicago to Dallas= 810 miles Dallas to Phoenix= 900 miles Phoenix to San Francisco= 675 miles

19 New York Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Times Square Central Park Empire State Building Metropolitan Museum of Art Population= 8,336,697

20 Chicago, Illinois Wrigley Field Shedd Aquarium Lincoln Park Zoo John Hancock Center Congress Theater U.S. Cellular Field Population= 2,714,856

21 Dallas, Texas Dallas Water Aquarium Dallas Zoo Cowboys Stadium Zero Gravity Amusement Park White Rock Lake Granada Theater Population= 1,241,162

22 Phoenix, Arizona Grand Canyon Phoenix Art Museum Heard Museum Chase Field South Mountain Park Celebrity Theater Population= 1,488,750

23 San Francisco, California The Golden Gate Bridge Alcatraz Red Wood Forest Angel Island Walt Disney Family Museum Dolores Park Population= 825,863

24 Our Team Jobs Project Manager: Jake Homan Research Planner: Carter Houlihan Design Planner: Aiden Gerhart Route/ Map Planner: Jack Durkin Presentation Planner: Jake Homan and Carter Houlihan Building Planner: Nolan Roberts Testing/ Redesign Planner: Nolan Roberts and Aiden Gerhart

25 Websites http:/ biz_maglev.html %202005/ElectricRail.pdf /Summer03/maglev2.html /magnetrain.html


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