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Word Knowledge Monster Tracks Open Court Anthology Grade 2.

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2 Word Knowledge Monster Tracks Open Court Anthology Grade 2

3 1.seashells facedown cardboard watercolors 2.slowly carefully completely gently cast mold left (multiple meanings) 4. roamed interesting deepest squeezed 5.brush bright front frisky Word Knowledge

4 2. Your sand casting most likely won’t look exactly as you expected, but the results are always fun to see. 3. The fox had a tail like a brush. 1. Seashells and seaweed were scattered along the beach.

5 1.seashells facedown cardboard watercolors 2.slowly carefully completely gently 3. rest cast mold left 4. roamed interesting deepest squeezed 5.brush bright front frisky Word Knowledge

6 Build Background Not everyone has found or held a fossil. The dinosaur bones in a museum are kept far from reach, and most of us have not been on an archeological dig.

7 Build Background Genre: Expository Text How does a fossil look close up? How does it feel? How are fossils made?

8 Build Background Genre: Expository Text Remember that some fossils are tracks or footprints that have turned to stone or are imprints in stone.

9 Expository Text Expository text gives information. It tells people something. It uses facts about real events or people. It presents information in a clear way. It gives events in the order in which they happen. It may be organized by topics.

10 Monster Tracks

11 Open Court Vocabulary for “Monster Tracks” Genre: Expository Text

12 imprint The cougar left an imprint of its paw in the mud. ( to mark by applying pressure )

13 clues Clues help solve a mystery. ( hints that help solve a puzzle )

14 mold ( a hollow form that material is poured into to make a shape ) We will pour the melted chocolate into the mold to make toy and animal shaped candies.

15 prehistoric The dinosaur is a prehistoric animal because it lived before people wrote history. ( belonging to a time before people started writing history )

16 embed We will embed the seashells in the sand. ( set in )

17 ooze We walked in the ooze and it squished between our toes. ( mud )

18 shallow We need a shallow pan to bake the brownies in. ( not very deep )

19 reverse When you are making a sand casting you have to think in reverse. What goes in sticks out. ( opposite )

20 instructions You will have to follow the instructions to make this airplane. ( directions )

21 facedown These shells are face up. You have to put a shell facedown to make a good imprint. ( level in the ground )

22 “Monster Tracks” Making sand castings will help you understand how imprint fossils happened.

23 Comprehension Strategies Good Readers… Summarize Keep track of what you have read and focus on important details “At the beginning of the story…” “Then…” Make Connections Use their own experiences to better understand the characters’ feelings and actions “This reminds me of…” “That part made me think of…” Monitor and Clarify STOP and reread to determine the meaning of words and more difficult ideas or passages. “Wait a minute! I didn’t understand that. Let me stop and reread for clarity.” “I am confused by that. I need to clarify.

24 Clues Page ___- Problems Page ___- Wonderings Page ___-

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