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The Importance of Proactive Dissemination – The Model Scheme Dawn Monaghan Head of FOI Good Practice, ICO 19/06/08.

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Proactive Dissemination – The Model Scheme Dawn Monaghan Head of FOI Good Practice, ICO 19/06/08."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Proactive Dissemination – The Model Scheme Dawn Monaghan Head of FOI Good Practice, ICO 19/06/08

2 Proactive dissemination pre and Post 2005 Bespoke and model Minimum release Inconsistency Lack of maintenance and systems Reduction in requests? What do people want to know? Do you know what they want to know? Questions rather than recorded info?

3 What’s already being proactively released? What was already released pre FOIA Annual Reports and Leaflets Lot’s of information on websites!

4 What do people say they want to know? What do they do? Where do they get there funding? How do they spend the money Who makes the decisions? How do they make decisions? How are they organised, what are their policies?

5 Reviving Proactive Dissemination Building trust and credibility Revive routine release as important Raise the Publication Scheme to a higher level to ensure models for all sectors and provide consistency Concentrate on the use as websites as the primary vehicle for release Reduce the bureaucracy of approval and adoption to a minimum

6 New Model PS Concept Available Information which can be readily accessed Compiled, reviewed and maintained by the Public Authority Promoted by the Public Authority Does NOT require approval Sector Specific Manual Containing the definition document A CLASSIFICATION system that could be…. A website A spreadsheet A leaflet Approved by the ICO Adopted by a Public Authority Publication Scheme

7 The New Publication Scheme Charter/ commitment document Developed and approved by ICO Adopted by PA 7 Commitments 7 Classes Exclusions Method of publication statement Charges which can be made

8 The New Publication Scheme 7 Commitments Proactively make available information held and contained within the definitions Specify the above information Make available the information in line with the method of publication statement Produce and publish a guide/route/map to information (Website) Review and update the information on a regular basis Produce a schedule of charges Make this publication scheme available to the public

9 The New Publication Scheme 7 Classes Who we are and what we do What we spend and how we spend it What our priorities are and how we are doing How we make decisions Our policies and procedures Lists and registers The services we offer

10 The New Publication Scheme Exclusions Information prevented by law from disclosure (Exempt) Information in draft form Information in storage or that is difficult to access

11 The New Publication Scheme Methods of publication Guide to information provided Primarily Website Predominantly On line Information unavailable on line Information provided by ‘view only’ Provided in the language which it is held DDA

12 The New Publication Scheme Charging Schedule of fees Justified and transparent Minimum cost to public Where possible Free of charge Disbursements Legally authorised Payment may be received before issue of information

13 New Model PS Concept Available Information which can be readily accessed Compiled, reviewed and maintained by the Public Authority Promoted by the Public Authority Does NOT require approval Sector Specific Manual Containing the definition document A CLASSIFICATION system that could be…. A website A spreadsheet A leaflet Approved by the ICO Adopted by a Public Authority Publication Scheme

14 Definition guidance Sector specific - Higher education/ Museums and archives Specific information the ICO believe should be released if held Broad boundaries and explanations Use in conjunction with old publication scheme to produce a guide to information

15 New Model PS Concept Available Information which can be readily accessed Compiled, reviewed and maintained by the Public Authority Promoted by the Public Authority Does NOT require approval Sector Specific Manual Containing the definition document A CLASSIFICATION system that could be…. A website A spreadsheet A leaflet Approved by the ICO Adopted by a Public Authority Publication Scheme

16 The Guide to Information Promotes and offers easy access to public Outwardly facing - Shows information held by authority which they have committed to making available PA choose to how it is presented, must be clear to the public Specifies how to obtain information if it is not available on line, specifies any charges for information Website can be linked to Classification system Must be regularly reviewed and updated

17 Adoption No formal notification required Assume adoption unless told otherwise Should be adopted in its entirety Addition of class or commitment pre approval granted Any deletions made must be submitted for approval (only granted in exceptional circumstances)

18 Enforcement Mystery Shop Random sectors and authorities Checks against definition documents and guide to information Informal resolution

19 Timescales Scheme available on website Definition guidance available by end of June Adoption of scheme Jan 1 st 2009 Enforcement March onwards

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