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Survey on the new Early Learning and Care Assessment of Quality Improvements (ELCAQI) tool Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey on the new Early Learning and Care Assessment of Quality Improvements (ELCAQI) tool Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey on the new Early Learning and Care Assessment of Quality Improvements (ELCAQI) tool Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care

2  To determine if ELCAQI improves the quality of child care  Conducted over a two month period (June to August 2014)  163 online anonymous surveys sent to TCBCC child care membership (non-profit)  90 returns  Content and application of the ELCAQI tool  Relationships between the City staff and child care centres  Perception by the general public of the posted scores online Survey Content

3  CONTENT AND APPLICATION OF THE ELCAQI TOOL  Whether ELCAQI improves the service quality of child care centres  49% reported they were satisfied to some degree that ELCAQI improves the quality of their service  47% reported they did not feel ELCAQI improves the quality of their service  4% Unsure Findings

4  Approximate cost to obtain a score of 5  1% $0.00  34% up to $50,000.00  10% $51,000.00-$100,000.00  7% $101,000.00-$150,000.00  4% $151,000.00-$200,000.00  6% over $200,000.00  38% unsure Findings

5  How easily the landloard will approve the building permit for renovations  60% reported difficulty  28% unsure  12% reported easily Findings

6  How well balanced is ELCAQI between curriculum, staff interactions and facilities  57 % reported ELCAQI was not well balanced  37 % reported ELCAQI was well balanced  6% unsure Findings

7  How easy was it to obtain direction/information from inspection bodies (Health, File, Province etc.) in relation to line items in ELCAQI  43% reported finding it difficult  37% reported they found it easy  20% Unsure Findings

8  RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CITY STAFF AND CHILD CARE CENTRES  Satisfaction with the level of support during the assessment by the Quality Assurance staff  49% reported satisfactory support  36% reported they did not feel supported  15% Unsure Findings

9  Satisfaction level of the relationship between Children’s Services and child care centres  68% reported a satisfactory relationship  26% reported an unsatisfactory relationship  6% Unsure Findings

10  Perception by the general public of the posted online score  55% reported they were not satisfied with the online scoring and appeal process  28% reported they were satisfied  17% reported they were unsure Findings

11  Respondents are divided on whether ELCAQI improves the quality of service they deliver  The majority of respondents know ELCAQI drives up the cost of care  The majority of respondents will have difficulty getting landloard approval for renovations  Respondents indicate ELCAQI is not balanced between curriculum, staff interactions and facilities  A significant number of respondents are having difficulty getting clear direction/information from inspection bodies in relation to line items of ELCAQI Conclusions

12  Respondents are equally divided on the level of support received by the Quality Assurance staff during the inspection process  A majority of respondents are satisfied with their overall relationship with Toronto Children’s Services  The greatest majority of respondents are dissatisfied with the online ELCAQI scoring and appeal process Conclusions

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