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Strategic Network Formation and Group Formation Elliot Anshelevich Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Network Formation and Group Formation Elliot Anshelevich Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Network Formation and Group Formation Elliot Anshelevich Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

2 Centralized Control A majority of network research has made the centralized control assumption: Everything acts according to a centrally defined and specified algorithm This assumption does not make sense in many cases.

3 Self-Interested Agents Internet is not centrally controlled Many other settings have self-interested agents To understand these, cannot assume centralized control Algorithmic Game Theory studies such networks

4 Agents in Network Design Traditional network design problems are centrally controlled What if network is instead built by many self-interested agents? Properties of resulting network may be very different from the globally optimum one s

5 Goal Compare networks created by self-interested agents with the optimal network –optimal = cheapest –networks created by self-interested agents = Nash equilibria Can realize any Nash equilibrium by finding it, and suggesting it to players –Requires central coordination –Does not require central control OPT NE s

6 The Price of Stability Price of Anarchy = cost(worst NE) cost(OPT) Price of Stability = cost(best NE) cost(OPT) [Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou] s t 1 …t k 1k Can think of latter as a network designer proposing a solution.

7 Single-Source Connection Game [A, Dasgupta, Tardos, Wexler 2003] Given: G = (V,E), k terminal nodes, costs c e for all e  E Each player wants to build a network in which his node is connected to s. Each player selects a path, pays for some portion of edges in path (depends on cost sharing scheme) s Goal: minimize payments, while fulfilling connectivity requirements

8 Other Connectivity Requirements  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation [A, Caskurlu 2009] [A, Dasgupta, Tardos, Wexler 2003]

9 Group Network Formation Games Terminal Backup: Each terminal wants to connect to k other terminals.

10 Group Network Formation Games “Group Steiner Tree”: Each terminal wants to connect to at least one terminal from each color. Terminal Backup: Each terminal wants to connect to k other terminals.

11 Other Connectivity Requirements  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation: every agent wants to connect to a group that provides enough resources satisfactory group specified by a monotone set function [A, Caskurlu 2009] [A, Dasgupta, Tardos, Wexler 2003] [A, Caskurlu 2009]

12 Centralized Optimum  Single-source Connection Game: Steiner Tree.  Sets of nodes: Steiner Forest.  Survivable: Generalized Steiner Forest.  Terminal Backup: Cheapest network where each terminal connected to at least k other terminals.  “Group Steiner Tree”: Cheapest where every component is a Group Steiner Tree. Corresponds to constrained forest problems, has 2-approx.

13 Connection Games Given: G = (V,E), k players, costs c e for all e  E Each player wants to build a network where his connectivity requirements are satisfied. Each player selects subgraph, pays for some portion of edges in it (depends on cost sharing scheme) s Goal: minimize payments, while fulfilling connectivity requirements NE

14 Sharing Edge Costs How should multiple players on a single edge split costs?  One approach: no restrictions......any division of cost agreed upon by players is OK. [ADTW 2003, HK 2005, EFM 2007, H 2009, AC 2009]  Another approach: try to ensure some sort of fairness. [ADKTWR 2004, CCLNO 2006, HR 2006, FKLOS 2006]

15 Connection Games with Fair Sharing Given: G = (V,E), k players, costs c e for all e  E Each player selects subnetwork where his connectivity requirements are satisfied. Players using e pay for it evenly: c i (P) = Σ c e /k e ( k e = # players using e ) s Goal: minimize payments, while fulfilling connectivity requirements e є P

16 Fair Sharing Fair sharing: The cost of each edge e is shared equally by the users of e Advantages: Fair way of sharing the cost Nash equilibrium exists Price of Stability is at most log(# players)

17 Price of Stability with Fairness Price of Anarchy is large Price of Stability is at most log(# players) Proof: This is a Potential Game, so  Nash equilibrium exists  Best Response converges  Can use this to show existence of good equilibrium s t 1 …t k 1k

18 Fair Sharing Fair sharing: The cost of each edge e is shared equally by the users of e Advantages: Fair way of sharing the cost Nash equilibrium exists Price of Stability is at most log(# players) Disadvantages: Player payments are constrained, need to enforce fairness Price of stability can be at least log(# players)

19 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  Demands: 1-t, 2-t, 3-t

20 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  Minimum Cost Solution (of cost 1+  )

21 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  Each player chooses a path P. Cost to player i is: cost(i) = (Everyone shares cost equally) cost(P) # using P

22 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  Player 3 pays (1+ε)/3, could pay 1/3

23 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  so player 3 would deviate

24 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  now player 2 pays (1+ε)/2, could pay 1/2

25 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  so player 2 deviates also

26 Example: Self-Interested Behavior 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+  Player 1 deviates as well, giving a solution with cost 1.833. This solution is stable/ this solution is a Nash Equilibrium. It differs from the optimal solution by a factor of 1+ + H k = Θ(log k)! 1 2 3

27 Sharing Edge Costs How should multiple players on a single edge split costs?  One approach: no restrictions......any division of cost agreed upon by players is OK. [ADTW 2003, HK 2005, EFM 2007, H 2009, AC 2009]  Another approach: try to ensure some sort of fairness. [ADKTWR 2004, CCLNO 2006, HR 2006, FKLOS 2006]

28 Example: Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing: differs from the optimal solution by a factor of H k = Θ(log k) Unrestricted Sharing: OPT is a stable solution 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+ 

29 Contrast of Sharing Schemes Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing NE don’t always exist NE always exist P.o.S. = O(k) P.o.S. = O(log(k)) (P.o.S. = Price of Stability)

30 Contrast of Sharing Schemes Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing NE don’t always exist NE always exist P.o.S. = O(k) P.o.S. = O(log(k)) P.o.S. = 1 for P.o.S. =  (log(k)) for many games almost all games (P.o.S. = Price of Stability)

31 Contrast of Sharing Schemes Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing NE don’t always exist NE always exist P.o.S. = O(k) P.o.S. = O(log(k)) P.o.S. = 1 for P.o.S. =  (log(k)) for many games almost all games OPT is an approx. NE OPT may be far from NE (P.o.S. = Price of Stability)

32 Unrestricted Sharing Model What is a NE in this model? Player i picks payments for each edge e. (strategy = vector of payments) Edge e is bought if total payments for it ≥ c e. Any player can use bought edges.

33 Unrestricted Sharing Model Player i picks payments for each edge e. (strategy = vector of payments) Edge e is bought if total payments for it ≥ c e. Any player can use bought edges. What is a NE in this model? Payments so that no players want to change them

34 Unrestricted Sharing Model Player i picks payments for each edge e. (strategy = vector of payments) Edge e is bought if total payments for it ≥ c e. Any player can use bought edges. What is a NE in this model? Payments so that no players want to change them

35 Connection Games with Unrestricted Sharing Given: G = (V,E), k players, costs c e for all e  E Strategy: a vector of payments Players choose how much to pay, buy edges together s Goal: minimize payments, while fulfilling connectivity requirements Cost(v) =  if v does not satisfy connectivity requirements Payments of v otherwise

36 Connectivity Requirements  Single-source: connect to s  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation: every agent wants to connect to a group that provides enough resources satisfactory group specified by a monotone set function

37 Some Results  Single-source: connect to s  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation: every agent wants to connect to a group that provides enough resources satisfactory group specified by a monotone set function OPT is a Nash Equilibrium (Price of Stability=1) If k=n

38 Some Results  Single-source: connect to s  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation: every agent wants to connect to a group that provides enough resources satisfactory group specified by a monotone set function OPT is a  -approximate Nash Equilibrium (no one can gain more than  factor by switching)  =2  =3  =1

39 Some Results  Single-source: connect to s  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation: every agent wants to connect to a group that provides enough resources satisfactory group specified by a monotone set function If we pay for 1-1/  fraction of OPT, then the players will pay for the rest  =2  =3  =1

40 Some Results  Single-source: connect to s  Survivable: connect to s with two disjoint paths  Sets of nodes: agent i wants to connect set T i  Group formation: every agent wants to connect to a group that provides enough resources satisfactory group specified by a monotone set function Can compute cheap approximate equilibria in poly-time

41 Contrast of Sharing Schemes Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing NE don’t always exist NE always exist P.o.S. = O(k) P.o.S. = O(log(k)) P.o.S. = 1 for P.o.S. =  (log(k)) for many games almost all games OPT is an approx. NE OPT may be far from NE (P.o.S. = Price of Stability)

42 Contrast of Sharing Schemes Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing NE don’t always exist NE always exist P.o.S. = O(k) P.o.S. = O(log(k)) P.o.S. = 1 for P.o.S. =  (log(k)) for many games almost all games OPT is an approx. NE OPT may be far from NE (P.o.S. = Price of Stability)

43 Contrast of Sharing Schemes Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing NE don’t always exist NE always exist P.o.S. = O(k) P.o.S. = O(log(k)) P.o.S. = 1 for P.o.S. =  (log(k)) for many games almost all games OPT is an approx. NE OPT may be far from NE If we really care about efficiency: Allow the players more freedom!

44 Example: Unrestricted Sharing Fair Sharing: differs from the optimal solution by a factor of H k  log k Unrestricted Sharing: OPT is a stable solution Every player gives what they can afford 1 1 2 1 3 123 t 000 1+ 

45 General Techniques To prove that OPT is an exact/approximate equilibrium:  Construct a payment scheme  Pay in order: laminar system of witness sets  If cannot pay, form deviations to create cheaper solution

46 Network Destruction Games Each player wants to protect itself from untrusted nodes Have cut requirements: must be disconnected from set T i Cutting edges costs money Can show similar results for: Multiway Cut, Multicut, etc.

47 Thank you.

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