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Steven Spielberg Film Director 莱阳九中 王新凤. Steven Spielberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven Spielberg Film Director 莱阳九中 王新凤. Steven Spielberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven Spielberg Film Director 莱阳九中 王新凤


3 Steven Spielberg

4 Listen to the text and answer the question Which film of Steven Spielberg won an Oscar according to the text?  A. Sugarland B. Jaws  C. E.T. D. Schindler’s List


6 Schindler’s List  Schindler’s List is about the cruelty( 残酷 ) of war.  Schindler is a German businessman who saved thousands of Jewish (犹太的) people from being killed in the war.





11  The list is…… life. 名单就是生命  An hour of life is still life.  片刻的生命终究是生命  Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.  拯救一个人的生命就是在拯救全世界。 Life is precious

12 Number Spielberg’s events in the order they happen He made a 26-minute film called Amblin( 漫步前 行 ) He made Jaws (大白鲨) He made a 15-minute home movie. He made Sugarland Express (横冲直撞大逃 亡). He made a 135-minute home movie. He made Schindler’s List (辛德勒的名单). He made E.T.—The Extra Terrestrial (外星人) He made Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13 A boy helps a creature find a way to go home

14 About the cruelty of war

15 世界大战

16 慕尼黑

17 Role-play: Imagine if you are a director, what kind of movie do you like to make? And why?  Science-fiction 科幻  Comedy 喜剧  Adventure 冒险  War 战争  Horror 恐怖  Action 动作  Music 音乐  Romance 爱情

18 Fill in the following blanks with proper words according to the text Steven Spielberg has made more successful films than any other director in the west, so he is generally thought to be the g_______(1) American film director. Born in the state of Ohio in 1946, Spielberg showed u_________(2) abilities at a very early age. At 13, he completed his first 15-minute home movie. The 35-minute home movie Firelight he made at 16 was s______(3) at a cinema and brought him $100. When Spielberg was 24, he made a 26-minute film c________(4) Amblin. It was because of this film that a Hollywood film s_______(5) employed Spielberg to make a full-length film, Sugarland Express, which h__________(6)some success. Spielberg’s next film was Jaws, one of the most successful films of all time. Later Spielberg made some other w____________(7)films: E.T.----The Extra Terrestrial, The Indiana Jones Trilogy, Jurassic Park, and Schindler’s List, for which Spielberg won Hollywood’s highest p_________(8): an Oscar. Though some of his films have been less s___________(9)in the last fifteen years, people generally agree that nobody u__________(10)the meaning of the word “entertainment” better than Spielberg. reatest nusual hown alled tudio ad onderful rize uccessful nderstands

19 Steven Spielberg’s life  Father: Engineer Mother: music teacher His wife: Kate Capshow Children:7

20 Steven Spielberg’s achievements He has won three Best Movie Oscars, and many other awards. Besides films, he has also ventured( 冒险 ) into video game production. “Time” magazine listed him as one of the 100 greatest people of the 20th century.

21 Discuss in groups  Famous people, super stars like Steven Spielberg, Zhou Jielun what can we learn from them?  passion, love, interest, hard-working, etc.



24 张艺谋 (Zhang Yimou) 1951 出生 陕西西安 摄影师,导 演,演员 曾在北京电影学院学习 (the Beijing Film Academy) 山楂树之恋( The love of the Hawthorn Tree ) 2010 纯美的爱情 (pure and beautiful) 一个都不能少( Not One Less ) 1999 中国山村小学,老师魏敏芝 想办法寻找因为穷去城里打 工的男孩 英雄( Hero ) Achievements 2002 中国最负盛 名的导演 三个侠客计划刺杀秦始皇 ( the first emperor) 2005 获终身成就奖 composition

25 You can use the key words  of the best directors  born in…..  3. a poor / rich family, an officer  4.pass the entrance exam for the Beijing Film Academy  5.make a lot of famous films  6.the Lifetime Achievement Award

26 Homework  Write a composition about Zhang Yimou according to the chart above. Try to use the sentence patterns we use today.


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