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Study of TAE stability vs. central shear and q(0) Document the scaling of TAE/EPM stability with: –q(0) (mode structure) –Density profile (mode structure)

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Presentation on theme: "Study of TAE stability vs. central shear and q(0) Document the scaling of TAE/EPM stability with: –q(0) (mode structure) –Density profile (mode structure)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of TAE stability vs. central shear and q(0) Document the scaling of TAE/EPM stability with: –q(0) (mode structure) –Density profile (mode structure) –  (increased Landau damping of TAE) Acquire more information on the structure and amplitude of the modes: –Upgraded soft x-ray system –Firetip?

2 EPM/TAE induced losses seen in existing "near hybrid" scenarios Need both: –Empirical information on parametric dependences of modes. –Ability to model effects on fast ion transport. Study will focus on scans of: –q-profile shape, –Density profile shape, –beta Paucity of data at high  largely reflects small dwell-time at highest  as well as the pathology of shots reaching high .

3 Previous experiment found suggestion of toroidal mode number scaling At 0.5 MA, toroidal mode numbers from 1 to 6. At 1.0 MA, toroidal mode numbers from 3 to 6. Data not that clean… 0.5 MA 1.0 MA

4 Run plan overview Goals: Determine q-profile, density profile shape dependence of stability, Look for Landau damping stabilization of TAE (  scan) (Reference shot tbd, based on early shots in campaign)  ) Early H-mode, fast current ramp.(8 shots) –One, two and three sources, 2 shots each. –Delay third source, decouple  and q, 2 shots. B) Delayed H-mode(6 shots) –No current ramp pause, beam power scan, 2 shots each. C) L-mode (He puffing)(6 shots) –One, two and three sources, 2 shots each.

5 Run plan overview (cont.) D) Slower current ramp, delayed H-mode(6 shots) –Let q min drop lower, decide based on amount of change seen in A-D. Or D)Beam voltage scan(? shots) –Choose best case from A-D, drop beam voltage to 70 kV, then up or down 5 kV. Source A still at 90 kV, but on-time delayed until peak of MHD activity. –Also, consider how much time is left.

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