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Published byFlora Ferguson Modified over 9 years ago
Year 7, unit 9, lesson 5.
What are the seven wonders? The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity. The number seven was chosen because the Greeks believed it to be the representation of perfection and plenty because it was the number of the five planets known anciently plus the sun and moon. Many similar lists have been made. The historian Herodotus (484 – ca. 425 BCE), and the scholar Callimachus of Cyrene (ca. 305 – 240 BCE) at the Museum of Alexandria, made early lists of seven wonders. Their writings have not survived, except as references. The seven wonders were: 1.Great Pyramid of GizaGreat Pyramid of Giza 2.Hanging Gardens of BabylonHanging Gardens of Babylon 3.Statue of Zeus at OlympiaStatue of Zeus at Olympia 4.Temple of Artemis at EphesusTemple of Artemis at Ephesus 5.Mausoleum at HalicarnassusMausoleum at Halicarnassus 6.Colossus of RhodesColossus of Rhodes 7.Lighthouse of AlexandriaLighthouse of Alexandria
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Many of the structures on these lists were built much earlier than the Medieval Ages, but were well known. Typically representative are: 1.StonehengeStonehenge 2.ColosseumColosseum 3.Catacombs of Kom el ShoqafaCatacombs of Kom el Shoqafa 4.Great Wall of ChinaGreat Wall of China 5.Porcelain Tower of NanjingPorcelain Tower of Nanjing 6.Hagia SophiaHagia Sophia 7.Leaning Tower of PisaLeaning Tower of Pisa
Other sites sometimes included on such lists are: Taj Mahal Cairo Citadel Ely Cathedral Cluny Abbey
S.B., p171-172, ex. 1, part 1. Fred: Christ the Redeemer, Brazil; the Great Wall of China; Lisa: the Sydney Opera House, Australia; Misha: the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square.
New World Wonders announced New World Wonders announced Watch the video and say why they consider Red Square in Moscow to be one of the wonders of the world?
S.B., p171-172, ex. 1, part 3). 1) Modern buildings must be included in the list of the New Wonders. (Lisa) 2) The Internet choice is the right choice. (Никто не разделяет эту точку зрения.) 3) It is difficult to decide what sights can be included in the New Seven Wonders. (Fred) 4) The idea of the New Seven Wonders is very good. (Misha) 5) Different cultures become closer in the New Wonders of the World. (Misha) 6) It’s good when people from different cultures make an important choice together. (Никто не разделяет эту точку зрения.)
Watch the film and name TOP 20 MOST AMAZING PLACES ON THE PLANET Answer the following questions: Do you agree to Deerek’s opinion? Why do you agree? What other places of interest do you consider should be added to the list?
What do you know about wonders of Russia? What do you know about wonders of Russia? Russia has summed up the results of the national contest devoted to most beautiful places in the country. Seven Wonders of Russia were announced on June 12, 2008 during the celebration of Russia’s Day on Moscow’s Red Square. Russia has summed up the results of the national contest devoted to most beautiful places in the country. Seven Wonders of Russia were announced on June 12, 2008 during the celebration of Russia’s Day on Moscow’s Red Square. Seven Wonders of Russia include: The Valley of Geysers in the Kamchatka region, Lake Baikal, the complex of palaces in Peterhof, Columns of Erosion in the Komi Republic, Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Statue of Motherland in Volgograd and Mount Elbrus.
Use the opinion as an example for your idea about your own list of wonders. For me it’s hard to decide what sight to include in the list of the New Wonders of the World. I am sure that there are many sights which deserve it. I think it’s quite right to choose the Kremlin. It’s the most beautiful construction in Russia. It’s a real masterpiece. And the Kremlin is very old. We can’t do without sights which are centuries old. They can tell us a lot about the history of our country. My choice is the Kremlin.
Top of the World - Carpenters Top of the World - Carpenters
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