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Three Skeleton Key By: George Toudouze

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1 Three Skeleton Key By: George Toudouze
Story Impression Grab Bag Use the information in this power point to create your story impression

2 Three Skeleton Key The Lighthouse

3 Three Skeleton Key: The Ghost Ship

4 Sea Rats!!!

5 “The three skeletons, he he”

6 French Guiana

7 Wanted …. New Lighthouse Keeper

8 Quotes To Consider “I did not give the warnings of the old-timers a second thought.”

9 “The rats of the sea are fierce, bold animals.”
“And there we were, sealed alive in our own light, prisoners of a horde of starving rats.”

10 “The three skeletons. Hee. Hee
“The three skeletons! Hee! Hee! The three skeletons are now six skeletons! Six skeletons! Hee! Hee!”

11 Goals and Objectives for this Story
Understand the mood of a story and how it is developed 2. Recognize foreshadowing and use these events to make predictions 3. Identify suspenseful parts of the story and how it helps create the mood

12 Words to Own Vocabulary
Write the definition of each word in your notes. Then, choose two of the following activities to complete for each. Draw a picture to represent each word Use each word in a sentence Provide a synonym and antonym for each word. Find and cite the word used in the text. Hordes, Suffice, Receding, Edible, Derisive,

13 Discussion Questions In detail, describe the basic situation of this story. Be sure to discuss the setting, characters, and conflict. How does the description of the Cornelius De Witt add suspense to the story? Make a prediction about how the problem may be solved. Mood is the overall emotional impact the words in a passage have on the reader. How does the very first sentence establish the mood for this story?

14 Discussion Questions pt. 2
An allusion is a reference made to something or someone famous. How is the allusion of the Flying Dutchman important to the story? The three characters in the lighthouse respond very differently to the invasion of the rats. Explain the reaction of each character. Which character had the most believable reaction in your opinion? List three events that could be considered rising action.

15 Literary Devices Chart Copy in your notes, and give one more example for each.
Foreshadowing Suspense Mood The men think they see the Flying Dutchman which foreshadows bad luck. The men are watching the ship zig-zag towards them “And there we were, sealed alive in our own light, prisoners or a horde of starving rats.”

16 Newspaper assignment The local newspaper has a job opening for their new literary column. In order to apply for the job, you will create your own front page of a newspaper based on the story Three Skeleton Key. They are very specific as to their expectations of the details that must be included and have provided a template for you to use. Name & description of character from story For Sale: Item of interest from the story (can be made up) Announcements: New setting – How would the story change Wanted: New character – Add a character where an event would be changed Events – Two most important events from the story Clever name of Newspaper that relates to the story Name of story and date Headline that summarizes story in a few words Draw picture that relates to story Summary of story including all plot elements Drawn picture of self with name Drawn picture of character from story

17 News Article Assignment
You are a reporter for the Daily Light News, a newspaper from French Guiana. You have been assigned to cover the story of the lighthouse keepers at Three Skeleton Key. Write an article about this terrifying event. Be sure to include: 1. A catchy headline 2. A full account of the story including all elements of the plot. 3. Interview quotes from the narrator. 4. A relevant illustration

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