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A Categorization Theorem on Suffix Arrays with Applications to Space Efficient Text Indexes Meng He, J. Ian Munro, and S. Srinivasa Rao University of Waterloo.

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Presentation on theme: "A Categorization Theorem on Suffix Arrays with Applications to Space Efficient Text Indexes Meng He, J. Ian Munro, and S. Srinivasa Rao University of Waterloo."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Categorization Theorem on Suffix Arrays with Applications to Space Efficient Text Indexes Meng He, J. Ian Munro, and S. Srinivasa Rao University of Waterloo

2 The Problem Initial Problem  Text searching: Finding occurrences of a pattern string in a large (static) document Solution  Text indexing: Trading space for time New Problem  Succinct Text indexes: Reducing the space cost

3 Pattern Searching Give a text string T of length n and a pattern string P of length m, we look for the occurrences of P in T. Three types of Queries  Existential queries: Does P occur in T?  Cardinality queries: How many times does P occur in T?  Listing queries: Where does P occur in T?

4 Text Indexing Inverted files  Word index  Need to store the text as well as the index Suffix trees  Efficient full-text index  4n lg n to 6n lg n bits! Suffix arrays  n lg n bits in basic form, but  3n lg n bits (with LCP data)

5 Applications Text databases  electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, books, etc. Web search engines  Google, Altavista, etc. Bioinformatics  gene databases More…

6 Related Work Compressed Suffix Arrays  Grossi & Vitter 2000  Sadakane 2000  Grossi, Gupta & Vitter 2003 FM-index  Ferragina & Manzini 2000 & 2001

7 Assumptions & Notation Alphabet: Σ = {a, b} Text: T[1..n]  T[n] = #, where a < # < b Pattern: P[1..m]

8 Permutations and Suffix Arrays An observation  Permutations: n!  Suffix arrays: 2 n-1  Not all permutations are suffix arrays An example  A suffix array: 4, 7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 6, 2 Text: abbaaba#  A permutation: 4, 7, 1, 5, 8, 2, 3, 6 Not a suffix array of any binary text

9 Two Features of Suffix Arrays Suffix Array Another Permutation 4 7 5 1 8 3 6 2 4 7 1 5 8 2 3 6 Ascending-to-max Non-nesting

10 A Categorization Theorem A permutation is a suffix array iff it is:  Ascending-to-max  Non-nesting An immediate application:  Checking whether a permutation is a suffix array in O(n) time using n + O(1) additional words in memory.

11 Application: Space Efficient Suffix Array Text: abaaabbaaabaabb# 8 3 9 4 12 1 10 5 13 16 7 2 11 15 6 14 SA: Ba:Ba: Bb:Bb: 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

12 Basic Searching Algorithm: Answering Cardinality Queries Basic Idea: backward search  Start from the end of the pattern P  For i = m, m-1, …, 1, compute the interval [s, e] of SA whose corresponding suffixes are prefixed with P[i, m] 8 3 9 4 12 1 10 5 13 16 7 2 11 15 6 14 SA: P = aba

13 More Algorithms and Tradeoffs Answering listing queries Speeding up the reporting of Occurrences of Long Patterns Self-indexing Time-space tradeoff: multi-level structure

14 Putting it all together space (bits)pattern searching Index 1n+o(n)O(m) (existential & cardinality queries only) Index 22n+o(n)O(m + occ) (m=Ω(lg 1+ε n)) O(m + occ lg n) (otherwise) Index 3O(n)O(m + occ) (m=Ω(lg 1+ε n)) O(m + occ lg λ n) (otherwise) Three index structures:

15 Conclusion Summary  A theorem that characterizes a permutation as the suffix array of a binary string  An efficient algorithm checking whether a permutation is a suffix array  Three space efficient text indexing methods

16 Conclusions (Continued) Related subsequent work  Generalization to larger alphabets Open problem  O(n)-bits text index supporting searching in O(m+occ) time.

17 Thank You.

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