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Roman Contributions Notes. List as many contributions of Rome as you can from this 6 minute video clip.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Contributions Notes. List as many contributions of Rome as you can from this 6 minute video clip."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Contributions Notes

2 List as many contributions of Rome as you can from this 6 minute video clip.

3 I. Beginning of the Empire—after Caesar's death, civil war broke out and destroyed what was left of the Roman Republic until:

4 A. 27 B.C.— Augustus emerged as the undisputed ruler of the Roman Empire and takes on the title of Emperor

5 B.Pax Romana—(27 B.C.-180 A.D.)GOLDEN AGE! A period of peace and prosperity during which Romans developed many styles of art, architecture, literature and drama which made long lasting contributions to Western civilization.

6 1.Roman Contributions/ Accomplishments: a. Architecture: perfected the arch and dome Built aqueducts to transport water throughout the empire















21 Pantheon Exterior (A temple to all the Roman gods)

22 Pantheon Dome


24 Agenda—Day 43: 11/9/09 *Highlight and Collect DBQ Essays *Complete Roman Contributions Notes *Roman Contributions Mind-Map *Essential Question: What were the Twelve Tables? *Homework—Complete Roman Contributions Mind-Map *

25 Key for your essay highlighting: *(Document #) *Info from document *Outside information *Contribution to W. Civ. Then staple your packet on top of the essay and place between the Buddhas. *

26 b. Engineering: built extensive roads and bridges necessary to connect empire




30 c.Art: Romans copied Greek art – Classical art = Greek and Roman realistic art

31 *bas-relief- sculptures on a flat surface

32 *mosaics- pictures made by setting small pieces of stone, glass, or tile on a surface

33 *frescoes- large mural paintings on walls

34 b. Engineering: built extensive roads and bridges necessary to connect empire

35 d. Language: Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire is the basis for all Romance languages ex. Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Romanian as well as half of all English words


37 e. Laws: Twelve Tables— plebeians forced a written law code which was carved onto twelve tablets Unified laws throughout the Empire!

38 f. Government: Rome had an indirect democracy people chose representatives to run the state for them

39 g. Religion: Christianity— During this prosperous time in Rome, a new religion emerged called Christianity and spread throughout the Empire


41 Name_________________________________ Period_____ Directions: Give 2-3 examples for each contribution listed. Be sure to define and describe everything! Next, draw a picture to summarize each contribution.

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