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NySMAC HEARING PROCEDURE Christina A. Pedersen, NPI Nick Cox, BAS with contributions from AWIPEV and Kings Bay.

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Presentation on theme: "NySMAC HEARING PROCEDURE Christina A. Pedersen, NPI Nick Cox, BAS with contributions from AWIPEV and Kings Bay."— Presentation transcript:

1 NySMAC HEARING PROCEDURE Christina A. Pedersen, NPI Nick Cox, BAS with contributions from AWIPEV and Kings Bay

2 Research project approval (Ny-Ålesund charter, v4) Low impact research (low numbers of scientists making little or no environmental impact) can be approved by the station concerned and presented to NySMAC. Research projects that will affect the natural environment (high numbers of scientists, removal of natural material, use of chemicals, erection of installations, handling of birds etc) should be discussed in detail by NySMAC. Ideally the hearing process will be conducted at a NySMAC meeting. In exceptional cases when timing is crucial a hearing may be conducted by e-mail. Scientists carrying out similar research should be consulted. With the approval of NySMAC the applicant should seek the permission of the Environment Officer at the Sysselmanns office Approved projects must register their details on the Svalbard Science Forum RiS database.

3 Background Formulations in Charter and procedures are vague Occasionally, projects have been on hearing, but somewhat arbitrary which projects has NySMAC lacks clear procedure

4 Background (cont.) The Governor of Svalbard is the main authority approving projects and activities on Svalbard His decisions are based entirely on environmental criteria NySMACs role are to assess new scientific projects and other activities which may have significant impacts on existing projects or the (local) environment.

5 Selection criteria Environmental criteria in Ny-Ålesund Charter –Projects that will affect the natural environment (high numbers of scientists, removal of natural material, use of chemicals, erection of installations, handling of birds etc.) –Many of these criteria are of such character that they require application to the Governor of Svalbard and/or Norwegian Animal Research Authority as well –How can we select criteria so that it becomes less subjective? Scientific criteria –Asses projects/activities which may affect other scientific projects –Assess how a project/activity contribute to the flagship program (requires active flagship program) –Assess if the project/activity should be carried out in Ny-Ålesund

6 Requirements for the hearing Application to the Governor requires specific information. What additional information does NySMAC need? Should the project/activity only inform, or should it assess potential consequences (mini EIAs)? Coordinate the new activity with the ongoing activities. What about projects outside the flagship programs? Should we frame a standardized hearing template The new RiS portal has combined applications –. how could the NySMAC hearing be embedded in. this framework?

7 Decisions The Governor and NARA have the mandate to reject projects Kings Bay as the land owner can also say no to project NySMAC are an scientific advisory board to Kings Bay, and take their decisions through consensus. How can NySMAC potentially approve or disapprove scientific projects and other activities, or even more important; set conditions for the project?

8 NPI, with contribution from BAS, AWIPEV and Kings Bay, is willing lead the process on this work Suggest to present a draft to everyone well before the next NySMAC meeting Others wanting to work on this, please talk to me Process forward

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