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Review. Meiosis Draw a cell in interphase before and after replication with a diploid number 4. replication What would the haploid number of gametes be?

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Presentation on theme: "Review. Meiosis Draw a cell in interphase before and after replication with a diploid number 4. replication What would the haploid number of gametes be?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review

2 Meiosis Draw a cell in interphase before and after replication with a diploid number 4. replication What would the haploid number of gametes be?

3 Anaphase IMetaphase I Prophase II End of Telophase II Prophase IAnaphase II

4 x Haploid or Diploid Haploid Diploid

5 An aquatic arthropod called Cyclops has antennae that are either smooth (a) or barbed(A). The allele for barbs is dominant. In the same organism, long (T) tails are dominant to short (t) tails. Question: A Cyclops that has a short tail and smooth antennae is crossed with one that is heterozygous for both traits. Genotype Ratio ______________________________ Phenotype Ratio ______________________________

6 Genotype Ratio: 1: AaTt: 1 Aatt: 1 aaTt : 1 aatt Phenotype Ratio : 1 Barbed, Long tail : 1 Barbed, short tail: 1 smooth, long tail: 1 smooth, short tail

7 A curly haired person and a straight haired person mate and all their offspring have wavy hair (note that wavy hair is a phenotype an intermediate that of the curly and straight haired individuals). Genotype Ratio: __________?____________ Phenotype Ratio: __________?____________

8 Genotype Ratio (letters) 1 CC : 2 CS : 1 SS Phenotype Ratio ( physical appearance) 1 Curly: 2 wavy : 1 straight

9 X-linked recessive A : normal a: trait present Genotype? # 2,3,5,7

10 X-linked recessive A : normal a: trait present #5 X A X a #3 X A Y # 7 X A X ? #2 X A X a

11 Who is the “ Father of Genetics ” ? Gregor Mendel When 2 alleles DON ’ T BLEND but BOTH SHOW TOGETHER like in A B blood type, it is called _______________ Codominance incomplete dominance codominance

12 Transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring is called ___________________. _____________ is the study of how characteristics are passed on from one generation to the next. heredity Genetics

13 __________________ = An allele that IS MASKED BY the presence of another allele RECESSIVE The appearance of an organism is its _____________ phenotype

14 Another name for heterozygous hybrid The diagram at the right is called a _____________ Punnett square

15 __________________ = An allele that MASKS the presence of another allele Red and white flowers producing pink offspring is an example of _______________________ Codominance incomplete dominance DOMINANT Incomplete dominance

16 A recessive gene is represented by a _________________ letter. lower case What phenotypic ratio would you expect to see in offspring from a monohybrid cross of 2 heterozygous parents? 3:1 Dominant:recessive

17 _______________ are different gene choices for a trait. ALLELES

18 A dominant gene is represented by a ____________ letter. (usually the first letter of the trait) capital When a heterozygous individual shows a blending of 2 alleles instead of one being dominant over the other it is called ___________ ____________. Incomplete dominance

19 When both alleles in the pair are the SAME the organism is _______________ or __________ 9:3:3:1 HOMOZYGOUS PURE What phenotype ratio is a clue that there has been a dihybrid cross between 2 heterozygous parents?

20 R = red flowers r = white flowers Red pink An Rr organism would have ____________ flowers if this trait was COMPLETELY DOMINANT. An Rr organism would have ____________ flowers if this trait was INCOMPLETELY DOMINANT. An Rr organism would have ______________ flowers if this trait was CODOMINANT. BOTH red & white

21 What are Mendel ’ s 2 laws of heredity? Law of Segregation Law of Independent Assortment F1F1 The offspring of the P 1 generation are called the ____ generation

22 When both alleles in the pair are DIFFERENT the organism is _________________ or _____________ HETEROZYGOUS HYBRID monohyrid A cross that involves only 1 trait is called a ____________ cross.

23 T = Tall t = short The genotype of the offspring from the cross at the right is _________. Their phenotype is _________. Tt tall

24 Which of the following genotypes is homozygous? TT Ww Bb rr mm BB Tt TT rr mm BB pure Another name for homozygous is ________.

25 Which of these Punnett squares would you use to predict the offspring of a DIHYBRID cross? This one!

26 In the cross at the right __________ is dominant for flower color. red Tt Mm Rr Which of the following genotypes is from a heterozygous organism? Tt SS bb Mm Rr kk

27 A gene is a segment of _______ that codes for a trait. DNA meiosis The Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment are the result of the movement of chromosomes during ___________ mitosis meiosis

28 The Punnett square below shows a ___________ cross. homozygous monohybrid dihybrid test dihybrid

29 Crossing a red haired horse with a white haired horse produces a roan colored horse. (Both alleles for hair color show together). This kind of inheritance is called ___________________ Co-dominance

30 What type of genotype is used to make a test cross? Homozygous recessive BT bt bT Bt What type of gametes can this organism produce? BbTt ______ ______ _______ _______

31 In guinea pigs, black fur (B) is dominant over brown fur (b). If a black Guinea pig is crossed with a brownGuinea pig and the litter contains a brown baby, the genotype of the black parent is probably BBBb bb Bb; Must have one B to be black must have one b to pass on to baby

32 Which of these Punnett squares would you use to predict the offspring of a MONOHYBRID cross? This one!

33 Crossing individuals from the P 1 generation produces the ____ generation. F1F1 DNA A gene is a segment of ______. DNA PROTEIN RNA CARBOHYDRATE

34 L = Blue legs l = yellow legs Blue green An Rr organism would have ____________ legs if this trait was COMPLETELY DOMINANT. An Rr organism would have ____________ legs if this trait was INCOMPLETELY DOMINANT. An Rr organism would have ______________ legs if this trait was CODOMINANT. BOTH Blue & yellow

35 In a monohybrid cross of two HETEROZYGOUS parents (Pp), you would expect the offspring to be: 1 pp:3 PP 3 Pp:1 pp 1 PP:2 Pp:1 pp 1 PP:2 Pp:1 ppall Pp

36 The parents in this cross are _____________ Homozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous If G is dominant for green pods and g is recessive for yellow pods, what percentage of the offspring will have green pods? _______% 75 GGGg gg G g G g

37 Bb B b The genotype of the offspring in the blue box is _______ bb The offspring in the blue box is homozygous heterozygous homozygous

38 Bb B b In guinea pigs black fur (B) is dominant over brown fur (b). The Punnett square for a cross between a HETEROZYGOUS black guinea pig and a PURE brown guinea pig would look like This is the Correct setup Heterozygous = Bb Pure brown = bb BB b b Bb b b Bb B B Another name for pure is _________________ homozygous

39 Ao A AAAo B ABBo F A & B are codominant The alleles for blood type show 2 kinds of inheritance.. The following statements are TRUE or FALSE? A is dominant over B. O is dominant over A. A is dominant over O. B and A are co-dominant A is incompletely dominant over O. O is recessive to A and to B F O is recessive to both A & B T T F T

40 An organism has the genotype Xy. What are the possible sperm it can produce? ______ ______ THINK ABOUT IT: If females have an XX genotype and can only give X genes, which parent is the one that determines whether the baby is a boy or girl? X y Father ; The mother always gives an X If the father gives a y, it ’ s a boy. If the father gives an X; it ’ s a girl.

41 If you cross a homozygous RED flowered four o ’ clock plant with a homozygous WHITE flowered plant, ALL of the offspring produced have PINK flowers. This type of inheritance in which the heterozygote (Rr) shows a blending of traits is called __________. A. Dominant/recessive inheritance B. Co-dominance C. Incomplete dominance Incomplete dominance

42 What are the possible phenotypes of their offspring? (% and color) Red throats (R) are dominant over white (r) throats in Goonie birds. Make a cross between a PURE RECESSIVE and a HETEROZYGOUS Goonie bird. 50% red throats 50% white throats Rr rr R r r

43 What are the possible phenotypes of their offspring? (% and color) Black eyes (B) are dominant over red eyes (b) in rats. Make a cross between two HETEROZYGOUS rats. 75 % black eyes 25% red eyes B b B b BB Bb Bb bb

44 The parents in this cross are _____________ Homozygous Heterozygous Homozygous If W is dominant for long wings and w is recessive for short wings, what percentage of these offspring will have short wings? _______% 0% only ww makes it short

45 Who is the “ Father of Genetics ” ? Gregor Mendel Which of the following genotypes could be from a HETEROZYGOUS organism? TT Rr Ww bb XX Ss Rr Ww Ss

46 What kind of cross is this? Pure dominant X pure recessive Heterozygous X heterozygous Heterozygous X homozygous Hybrid recessive X hybrid pure Heterozygous X Homozygous Another name for heterozygous is _______________ hybrid

47 What is the probability the offspring will have straight tails? In Reebops curly tails (T) are dominant over straight tails (t). Make a cross between a HOMOZYGOUS DOMINANT and a HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE Reebop. 0% All will be Curly tailed (Tt) Tt Tt Tt T T t

48 BT bt bT Bt What type of gametes can this organism produce? BbTt ______ ______ _______ _______ What type of gametes can this organism produce? BBTT ______ ______ _______ _______ BT BT

49 TRTrtRtr TR Tr tR tr Tall = T short = t R= round r=wrinkled seeds seeds TtRr X TtRr TTRR TTRr TtRR TtRr TTRr TTrr TtRr Ttrr TtRR TtRr ttRR ttRr TtRr Ttrr ttRr ttrr

50 This is an example of a DIHYBRID cross. Which pattern of phenotypes will be seen in the offspring? 9:3:3:1 How many offspring will be Short AND Round? ______ Short AND wrinkled ? ______ 3/16 Recessive and dominant Recessive and recessive HINT: 9- dominant for both 3- recessive and dominant 3- dominant and recessive 1- recessive and recessive 1/16

51 What do we call the offspring of the F 1 generation? F2F2 Which of the following genotypes could be from a HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE organism? TT bbRr Ww tt XX aa bb tt aa

52 Aa A a The genotype of the offspring in the blue box is _______ homozygous heterozygous heterozygous How many of the offspring from this cross will show the dominant characteristic? ¾ (75%) – AA and Aa

53 Gg G GGGg g gg G is dominant for green pods. g is recessive for yellow pods. What is the genotype of the offspring in the shaded box? Gg What is the phenotype of the offspring in the shaded box? Green pods

54 Which of the following is NOT TRUE? Genotype determines phenotype Alleles are different forms of the same gene. Genotype is the way the genes make you look. Organisms with different genotypes can have the same phenotype. T T F T Tt and TT both look tall

55 What are the 3 different kinds of inheritance you learned about? Dominant/recessive Incomplete dominance Co-dominance Offspring of the P 1 generation are called ______ F 1

56 What are the probable blood types of the offspring? What are the possible offspring of a cross between a blood type AB mom and a type O dad? 50% Type A 50% Type B Ao Bo A B O

57 Which of the following crosses would you expect to see a 9:3:3:1 ratio in the offspring? SSYY X ssyy SsYy X SsYy ssYY X SSyy SsYy X SsYy 9:3:3:1 ratio is seen in dihybrid crosses

58 What will the offspring be like? (% and color) Purple (P)is the dominant color for monsters. Yellow is recessive (p). Make a cross between a HOMOZYGOUS purple and a yellow monster. 100% purple Pp P P p

59 What genotype would a PURPLE dad have to be to make a yellow monster baby with a Purple (Pp) mom monster? Pp ? ? pp Pp Dad needs to have: a little p to give one to the baby a big P to be purple himself

60 Wilma and Fred are going to have a baby. Fred in AA and Wilma is oo. What are the possible blood types of their baby? 100% will have A type blood Ao A A o

61 Wilma and Fred are going to have a baby. Fred in AA and Wilma is oo. What are the possible blood types of their baby? 100% will have A type blood Ao A A o

62 RT rt rT Rt What type of gametes can this organism produce? RrTt ______ ______ _______ _______ What type of gametes can this organism produce? WwGg ______ ______ _______ _______ WG wg wG Wg

63 In a DIHYBRID HETEROZYGOUS cross the offspring that are 9/16 are _______________ for both traits. 3/16 are _____________ for one trait and _____________ for the other. 1/16 are _____________ for both traits. Dominant FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE WORDS Dominant OR Recessive Dominant Recessive

64 In this cross: TtRr X TtRt What is the probability the offspring will be: Tall AND white? ____/16 Short AND red? ____/16 Tall AND red? ___/16 Short AND white? ___/16 3 T = TallR = red t = shortr = white 3 9 1

65 In this cross: TtYy X TtYy What is the probability the offspring will be: short AND green? ____/16 Short AND yellow? ____/16 Tall AND green? ___/16 tall AND yellow? ___/16 1 T = TallY = yellow peas t = shorty = green peas 3 3 9

66 In this cross: YYRR X yyRR Be careful! What is the probability the offspring will be: Yellow peas AND white flowers? ____/16 Green peas AND red flowers? ____/16 Yellow peas AND red flowers? ___/16 Green peas AND white flowers? ___/16 0 Y = yellow peasR = red flowers y = green peasr = white flowers 0 16 0

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