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Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transactions Paul Greenfield CSIRO.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transactions Paul Greenfield CSIRO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transactions Paul Greenfield CSIRO

2 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Why? Why are transactions and transaction processing interesting? –They make it possible for mere mortals to program high performance, reliable and scalable computing systems –The basis of enterprise ‘mission critical’ computing

3 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Programming is simple Most business operations are really quite simple –Sell a book, withdraw cash, book a ticket, trade stocks, …. Some database lookups Some computation Some database updates But in the real world…

4 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Real programming is hard Real systems have to be fast Real systems have to scale Real systems have to be reliable Real systems have to recover from failure when it does happen And real systems are built by the average programmer

5 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Speed and Scale Speed –Responding quickly to requests –Customers can’t be kept waiting too long, especially on the Web Scale –Banks have thousands of ATMs, stores have hundreds of registers, Web sites can have many thousands of users –All need fast response times

6 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Speed and Scale Solution is concurrency –Doing more than one operation at a time –Processing while waiting for I/O –Using multiple processors Problem is concurrency –Interference between programs –Conflicts over shared resources Can’t sell the same seat twice

7 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Reliability What happens when a computer systems is down? –Lost customers, sales, money, …. –24x7 operations, 99.99% availability Solutions –Stand-by systems (warm or hot) –Clusters –Based on transactions

8 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Failure Computer hardware fails! System software has bugs!! Application programs have bugs!!! System still has to be reliable!!!! –Fail cleanly (maintain data integrity) –Recover from transient errors –Recover after system failure

9 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Data Integrity Business has rules about its data –Money must always be accounted for –Seats cannot be sold twice or lost Easy if system never fails… Transactions maintain integrity despite failures

10 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transaction Systems Efficiently handle high volumes of requests Avoid errors from concurrency Avoid partial results after failure Grow incrementally Avoid downtime And … never lose data

11 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Ancient History Earliest transaction systems –Airline reservations (1960’s) SABRE. 300,000 devices, 4200 requests/sec custom-made OS –Banking, government and other very large systems (1970’s) CICS, IMS, COMS, TIP Large (expensive) mainframe computers

12 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Recent Past UNIX systems (1980’s…) –TP monitors Tuxedo, TopEnd, Encina, CICS, … Object Transaction Monitors –Databases Oracle, Sybase, Informix –Basis for mainstream commercial computing Coexisting with mainframe TP

13 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Present Commodity transaction processing –Windows NT, Windows 2000 –MTS and COM+ from Microsoft –UNIX TP ports Tuxedo, Orbix, Web Logic, … –SQL/Server, Oracle, … Becoming pervasive

14 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT What is a Transaction? A complete, indivisible business operation –Book a seat –Transfer money –Withdraw cash –Sell something –Borrow a book

15 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT ACID Transaction systems must pass the ACID test –Atomic –Consistent –Isolated –Durable

16 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Atomic Transactions have to be atomic –All or nothing –Execute completely or not at all –Even after failure and recovery –Successful transactions commit Changes made permanent –Failing transactions abort Changes backed out

17 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Atomic Example Transferring money –Move $100 from account A to account B Take $100 from account A Put $100 in account B –Both actions have to take place or none –Failure after withdrawal step? Money disappears??

18 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Consistency Move data from one consistent state to another –Money in bank is accounted for and not ‘lost‘ Really an application program responsibility –But AID makes helps by making programming simpler

19 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Isolation Every transaction thinks it is running all alone (isolated) Reality of concurrency is hidden Transactions running together do not interfere with each other Looks like transactions are run serially Illusion assisted by databases

20 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Isolation Example Banking –Two ATMs trying to withdraw the last $100 from an account fetch balance from account update account (balance=balance-$100) –Isolation stops this from happening Second transaction waits for first to complete

21 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Durable Once changes are committed they are permanent –Even after failure and recovery –Changes written to disk –Wait for write to complete Largely responsibility of database –DB told to commit changes by transaction manager

22 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Distributed Transactions Now do all this across multiple computer systems… –Geographically dispersed –Multiple application servers –Multiple database servers All working together –A single transaction can use all of these resources –Full ACID properties still maintained

23 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Distributed System

24 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Distributed Transactions What happens when a transaction updates data on two or more systems? Transaction still needs to be atomic –All updates succeed or all fail But systems can independently fail and recover! –Transaction manager keeps track and coordinates changes using 2PC

25 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT No Two Phase Commit? Without 2PC updates can be lost and data can become inconsistent when systems fail and recover Sydney Withdraw $100 Commit Melbourne Deposit $100 *System fails* System recovers but update lost Withdraw $100 Deposit $100 Money withdrawn but deposit lost

26 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Two Phase Commit Transaction manager coordinates updates made by resource managers Phase 1 –Prepare to commit Phase 2 –Commit Transaction manager always knows the state of the transaction

27 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Phase 1 Transaction manager asks all RMs to prepare to commit. –RMs can save their intended changes and then say ‘yes’. –Any RM can say ‘no’. –No RM actually commits yet! If all RMs said ‘yes’, go to Phase 2. If any RMs said ‘no’, tell everyone to abandon their intended changes.

28 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Phase 2 Transaction manager asks all resource managers to go ahead and commit their changes. Can now recover from failure –RM knows what transactions were questionable at point of failure –TM knows whether transactions succeeded or failed

29 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Two Phase Commit Coordinator Particpant Prepare Prepared Commit Done Coordinator Particpant Prepare No Abort Done Successful transaction Failing transaction

30 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transaction Managers Just what is a TM? –Can be part of the database software Updating multiple Oracle databases… –Can be part of a ‘transaction monitor’ CICS, Tuxedo, … –Can be stand-alone MS DTC, X/Open model

31 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Distributed Transactions Multiple Transaction managers –One per node (computer) involved, looking after their local resource managers –TMs cooperate in distributed transactions Produces transaction trees –Each TM coordinates TMs below it –One root TM (where it all started) –New branch when apps invoke code or access a resource on a new node

32 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transaction Trees TM RM

33 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT X/Open Standards Standard model and interfaces –XA: TM to RM –TX: Application to TM Application program Resource managerTransaction manager SQL,…TX XA

34 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Resources Much more than just databases –ATMs, printers, terminal responses, … –Can only issue cash or print cheque if transaction is successful Begin update account dispense cash Commit Begin update account Commit dispense cash **Crash**

35 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Resources Older TP systems supported files, printers, terminal output, data comm –App wrote output normally –OS/TP deferred actual output until transaction committed Application problem? –Write to database for background app? –Use transactional message queues?

36 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT TP Monitor Mainframe transaction processing (TP) –CICS, IMS, COMS, TIP, … –Terminals, batch input –Screen formatting –Message-based with transaction code routing –Normally ‘stateless applications’ for scalability

37 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Stateless? Transaction is a single atomic and complete operation –No data left behind in application Scalability through multiple copies of server applications –A transaction can be sent to any copy of the application –Copies can be created as necessary

38 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT COMS Burroughs/Unisys TP Monitor (1984+) COMSCOMS Queue TP app

39 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Controlling Transactions Who really controls the transaction? –Client or server? –Explicit vs implicit transactions? –SQL transactions Started somehow –Tx_begin, method call, SQL statement Finished by application code –Commit or Abort

40 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT API Models Client-side transaction control –Explicit begin-transaction –Explicit Commit/Abort Server-side transaction control –Perform one complete business transaction in each call Tx_begin Call withdraw(accno, amount) Call deposit(accno, amount) SQL insert into audit …. Tx_commit Dim acc = new Account Account.transfer(accfrom, accto, amount)

41 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Transaction Models Server-side fits with n-tier models –Client just does presentation –Business logic in server transactions –Declarative transactions (EJB, MTS) –No leakage between layers Client Application Database

42 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT API models Message-based –Route by transaction code (eg BKFLT) –Very flexible, returns another message Procedure calls (RPC-based) –Calling transactional procedures with parameters & return values Method calls –Objects with transactional methods

43 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Procedure Models Extension of RPC technologies –Encina –Faded technology, not fashionable –Not object-oriented Marshalling parameters –Turns function to message & back –Mask differences between platforms –Uses proxies and stubs

44 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Object Models Extension of ORB technologies –Call methods on remote objects –CORBA standards (OTMs) –Fading technology An OO model –Objects on servers  state on server –Balancing load? Scalability?

45 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Component Models Rising star –Microsoft with MTS & COM+ –EJB Call methods on remote components –Look like objects to clients –Normally stateless Declarative –Transactional-ness is a property, not coding concern

46 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Stateless Clients think they have server objects –Reference stays around but not object –Object created when method called –Object ‘destroyed’ when method finishes Reduced server resource usage Methods can run anywhere –Not bound to server objects –Scales to server farms

47 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT More Complications Security Implementation models & internals Scaling questions Reliability and fault-tolerance Programming models

48 Advanced Distributed Software Architectures and Technology group ADSaT Next Week Databases -How do we get isolation? -How do recover? -More technical details -Protocols, logging -Recovering from failure

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