Subject: Key Revolutionary War Battles (Win and Loss Tally) 1.Lexington and Concord (Am. Win – not decisive) – April 1775 A.800 Brits v. small number of.

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1 Subject: Key Revolutionary War Battles (Win and Loss Tally) 1.Lexington and Concord (Am. Win – not decisive) – April 1775 A.800 Brits v. small number of American militia A.73 Brits killed, 200 wounded B.49 Am. Killed, 39 wounded (had fewer men to begin with) B.Began at Concord over arms cache in Lexington 2.Am. Capture Ft. Ticonderoga May 1775 (tie b/c Brits take it back in July 1777) A.Am led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold B.Capture fort without a shot fired C.First offensive by colonists, captured many cannons 3.Bunker and Breeds Hills (Am loss) – June 1775 A.Am were winning but ran out of ammo B.The result was that the Brits took a strategic position over Boston C.Brits (226 killed, 828 wounded), Am (140 killed, 271 wounded) D.Am led by Colonel William Prescott, Brits led by General Gage and Howe 4.Am. attack Quebec, Canada (Am loss) December 1775 A. Benedict Arnold took too long getting to Quebec, result was that the Brits were ready for them B. Attack failed, 600 Am captured, 60 killed 5.Siege of Boston – March 1776 A.Am take back Boston to include Bunker and Breeds Hill

2 6. Battles of New York (huge Am loss) 1776 7. Battle of Valcour Bay A. first Am naval victory led by Benedict Arnold 8. Battle of Trenton ( considered first clear cut American victory) A. Washington attacked British mercenaries (Hessians) after crossing the Delaware River on Dec 26 th, 1776 B. morale boost

3 9. Battle of Princeton Jan 1777 A. won by Americans at last moment B. forced British to withdraw to New Brunswick 10. Battle of Brandywine September 1777 A. Americans lose Philadelphia, Americans withdraw 11. Battle of Germantown (Am loss) October 1777 A. American disaster, fratricide B. British Gen. Howe takes advantage of confusion and counterattacks 12. Washington takes up winter camp at Valley Forge, PA 13. Battle of Saratoga (Am win) A. American independence assured B. British Gen Burgoyne tried to take Albany, but was defeated C. Brits withdraw to Saratoga, Am surround ¼ of British forces in N. Am and force them to surrender – Leads to French Alliance in February 1778 14. Siege of Charleston (British Win) May 1780 A. Brits conduct siege and the Am. surrender after one year B. Sept 1780 – Benedict Arnold flees the American side to join the British 15. Battle of Camden (Am loss) A. 1400 Am vs. 3000 Brits (no chance) 16. Battle of King Mountain A. Tory (Am) troops lose to Am Revolutionaries B. T (157 killed, 163 wounded, 698 captured); Patriots (28 killed, 62 wounded)

4 17. Battle of Cowpens (Am win) – Jan. 1781 18. Battle at Guilford Court House (Am loss) March 1781 19. Battle of Hobkirks Hill (Am loss) 20. Battle of Eutaw Springs (Am loss) A. Brits too weak to hold new territory 21. Articles of Confederation ratified (1781) 22. Battle of Yorktown (Am win) October 19 1781 A. ends Revolutionary War on the battlefield 23. Treaty of Paris (Sept 3, 1783)

5 Subject: Battles of the Revolutionary War American WINSAmerican LOSSES Apr 19, 1775 - Lexington & Concord 1775 – Am. capture Ft. Ticonderoga July 2 – Mar 17, 1775 - Siege of Boston 1776 - Battle of Valcour bay Dec 26, 1776 - Battle of Trenton Jan 3, 1777 – Battle of Princeton 1777 – Battle of Bennington Oct 13, 1777 – Battle of Saratoga July 15, 1779 – Am. recapture Stonypoint Oct 7, 1780 - Battle of King Mountain Jan 17, 1781 – Battle of Cowpens May 1781 - Battle of Yorktown June 16, 1775 – Battles of Bunker & Breeds Hill Sept 1775 – Am. attack Quebec, Canada Jul – Oct 1776 - Battles of New York July 6, 1777 – Brits recapture Ft. Ticonderoga Sept 10, 1777 – Battle of Brandywine Sept 22, 1777 – Battle of Germantown 1779-80 - Siege of Charleston Aug 16, 1780 – Battle of Camden 1781 – Battle at Guilford Court House Apr 25, 1781 - Battle of Hobkirks Hill Sept 8, 1781 – Battle of Eutaw Springs

6 Map of Key Revolutionary War Battles

7 Discussion Questions If Gen. Washington actually lost more battles than he won, why can he be seen as a Revolutionary leader? To what extent are the French instrumental in helping Americans win the war?

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