Disinfectant-Ready Bar Code Scanners: Protect your investment and prevent the spread of disease Vartech 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Disinfectant-Ready Bar Code Scanners: Protect your investment and prevent the spread of disease Vartech 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disinfectant-Ready Bar Code Scanners: Protect your investment and prevent the spread of disease Vartech 2011

2 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  26 Enhancing patient safety and increasing operating efficiencies First Responders Pharmaceutical Inventory Management Beside Patient Care Med Dispensing Shipping and Receiving Healthcare Applications

3 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Where do Scanners & Mobile Computer help? The ‘5’ Rights –Identify the RIGHT Patient –Confirm the RIGHT Medication –Confirm the RIGHT Dosage –Confirm the RIGHT Route –And the RIGHT Time The Benefits –Reduced errors –Reduced costs associated with errors –More rapid and accurate documentation Major Healthcare Organizations are now driving 5 Rights compliance Initiatives

4 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Medical Tools are Breeding Grounds for Pathogens With the increasing presence of infectious agents that cause disease or illness, society is more germ conscious than ever Neglecting to disinfect tools used at the point-of-care could promote the spread of pathogens

5 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Joint Public Health Notification Source: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/PublicHealthNotifications/UCM062052 http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/PublicHealthNotifications/UCM062052 “...to address problems associated with inappropriate use of liquids on electronic medical equipment. The problems included equipment fires and other damage, equipment malfunctions......The root cause of the problems mentioned above was likely corrosion of electronic circuitry by disinfecting or cleaning solutions that penetrated the equipment housings. Healthcare workers routinely sprayed the housings with disinfectants or wrapped the housings with disinfectant- soaked towels. These practices are generally not consistent with the equipment manufacturers’ directions for use, which typically recommend wiping the housing with a soft cloth dampened with a mild detergent and water.” “Avoiding Hazards with Using Cleaners and Disinfectants on Electronic Medical Equipment”

6 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Honeywell Launches Disinfectant-Ready Housings Recommended cleaning solutions –409 ® Glass and Surface Cleaner –CaviWipes ™ –Clorox ® Wipes –Gentle dish soap and water –Isopropyl Alcohol wipes (70%) –Sani-Cloth ® HB wipes –Sani-Cloth ® Plus wipes –Super Sani-Cloth ® wipes –Windex ® Blue –Virex ® 256

7 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Solution: Disinfectant-Ready Bar Code Scanners The Effect of Harsh Chemicals on Standard Plastics Challenge: –End-users want to use strong cleaners to disinfect equipment and prevent the spread of pathogens –Many of these cleaners are very aggressive and can chemically attack the traditional materials used for scanner housings

8 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  ‘Anti-Microbial’ is Not Enough Anti-bacterial or anti-microbial additives can give end users the impression that the products perform “better,” however, the CDC notes, –‘No evidence is available to suggest that use of these products will make consumers and patients healthier or prevent disease...No data support the use of these items as part of a sound infection control strategy’ The CDC’s “Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health Care Facilities” reiterate, –‘cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces as appropriate is fundamental in reducing their potential contribution to the incidence of healthcare-associated infections’ Source: http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/pdf/guidelines/eic_in_HCF_03.pdf http://www.cdc.gov/hicpac/pdf/guidelines/eic_in_HCF_03.pdf

9 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Return on Investment: Disinfectant-Ready Housings Top Value Drivers –Adhere to stringent disinfecting policies –Improve caregiver efficiency –Reduce the risk of spreading pathogens –Avoid damaging equipment

10 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  The Situation CustomerCheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene IndustryHealthcare ApplicationMedication Verification at the Point-of-Care The Challenge Addressing the 5 rights of patient safety Meeting stringent requirements to sanitize medical equipment

11 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  The Solution Honeywell Product4820h with Disinfectant-Ready Housing Caregivers are able to ensure the 5 rights of patient safety with a worry-free solution Reduced downtime due to broken scanners resulted in an overall increase in productivity Caregivers are able to spend more time caring for patients Patients peace of mind because they know the equipment has been properly sanitized The Results

12 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Honeywell Healthcare Microsite http://www.honeywellaidc.com/promos/healthcare_aidc/ http://www.honeywellaidc.com/promos/healthcare_aidc/ Healthcare Solutions Brochure http://www.honeywellaidc.com/Site.aspx/na/en/resources/publications/other_public ations/?subcategory=16 http://www.honeywellaidc.com/Site.aspx/na/en/resources/publications/other_public ations/?subcategory=16 White Papers http://www.honeywellaidc.com/Site.aspx/na/en/resources/publications/white_paper s/?subcategory=17 http://www.honeywellaidc.com/Site.aspx/na/en/resources/publications/white_paper s/?subcategory=17 Case Studies http://www.honeywellaidc.com/Site.aspx/na/en/resources/publications/case_studie s/?subcategory=22 http://www.honeywellaidc.com/Site.aspx/na/en/resources/publications/case_studie s/?subcategory=22 For More Information Honeywell has deployed 150,000+ scanners into healthcare

13 Honeywell Proprietary Honeywell.com  Questions? Honeywell Scanning & Mobility 800.582.4263 (Option 2) www.honeywellaidc.com Xenon 1902 Wireless Hand-Held Area-Imaging Scanner Xenon 1900 Hand-Held Area- Imaging Scanner Dolphin 9700hc Portable Data Terminal Dolphin 9900hc Portable Data Terminal

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