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Shropshire sheep in Germany - a short review  Organisation of sheep husbandry in Germany  Actual stock, range of use  German experience with sheep in.

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Presentation on theme: "Shropshire sheep in Germany - a short review  Organisation of sheep husbandry in Germany  Actual stock, range of use  German experience with sheep in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shropshire sheep in Germany - a short review  Organisation of sheep husbandry in Germany  Actual stock, range of use  German experience with sheep in x-mas trees  Shropshires, a big factor in green marketing and direct marketing of trees  New markets: Grazing sheep in fruit tree cultures and in energy crop plantations r

2  Approx. 2.5 million sheep,  Approx. 80,000 sheep keepers  Main breeds: Merino, German blackface, Highland breed  National sheep breeding association (VDL) ->umbrella org.  20 State/County sheep breeding authorities (Federal system)  Each state association handles all breeds Organisation of sheep husbandry in Germany

3  German Shropshire sheep pool, 65 members  Functions: marketing (ram pages), exchange of experiences  Approx. 80 Pedigree flocks (at most 30 active breeders)  Approx. 500 Shropshire sheep keepers  Approx. 5000 Shropshire sheep  Common Flock size: 10 ewes, biggest flock amounts to 400 ewes  More than 90 percent use Shropies for grazing in x-mas trees  Some use Shropies for landscape conservation, in fruit trees r German Shropshire - actual stock, range of use

4  Key factors:  Careful supervision  Ultimate action: Selection and removing of tree nibbling sheep  Mineral nutrition  Change plantation to secure always fresh grass supply  Diversified vegetation (hedges)  Health status (deworming)...  Risk of nibbling trees declines from spring to autumn  (Older) rams outside tupping period are always risky  Range of application are small scale enterprises.  Health problems: Flies (warm, moist micro climate in tree stands) r German/Swiss experience with sheep in xmas trees

5 Diversified vegetation r German/Swiss experience with sheep in xmas trees e

6 Shropshires, a big factor in green marketing and direct marketing of trees  Integration of sheep into marketing concept as sympathy carriers (Teddy bear effect)  Sheep as Ambassadors for pollution-free production  Sheep as tree selling factor especially for families and kids

7  Successful grazing experiments with Shropshire sheep (summer/autumn 2006) in apple trees at Research Station for fruit-growing, Lake Constance (KOB)  Two tasks:  Remove of scab contaminated leaves (organic farming)  Grass/Weed control  Grazing in energy crop plantations (locust and other trees) New markets: Grazing sheep in fruit tree cultures and in energy crop plantations

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