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slope & y-intercept & x- & y- intercepts

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Presentation on theme: "slope & y-intercept & x- & y- intercepts"— Presentation transcript:

1 slope & y-intercept & x- & y- intercepts
Graphing Lines slope & y-intercept & x- & y- intercepts

2 Graphing Lines slope and y-intercept

3 Run 3 y-intercept b = -1 Rise 2 slope

4 Run 2 y-intercept Rise b = 3 -1 slope

5 Graphing Lines x- and y- intercepts

6 3x - 2y = 7 find the x value when y = 0 find the y value when x = 0
x-intercept 3x - 2(0) = 7 3x - 0 = 7 3x = 7 find the y value when x = 0 y-intercept 3(0) - 2y = 7 0 - 2y = 7 -2y = 7

7 The equation 3x +2y = 120 models the number of passengers who can sit in a train car, where x is the number of adults and y is the number of children. Graph the equation.

8 3x + 2y = 120 find the x value when y = 0 find the y value when x = 0
x-intercept 3x + 2(0) = 120 3x + 0 = 120 3x = 120 find the y value when x = 0 y-intercept 3(0) + 2y = 120 0 + 2y = 120 2y = 120

9 What is the domain and range
of the function? Domain: Range: What do the x & y intercepts represent in relation to the problem?

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