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Chapter 5.1 – 5.3 Quiz Review Quizdom Remotes!!!.

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1 Chapter 5.1 – 5.3 Quiz Review Quizdom Remotes!!!


3 Question 2 Using the graph of f(x) = x2 as a guide, describe the transformations. g(x) = (x + 6)2 – 2 is translated 2 units left and 6 units down. is translated 6 units right and 2 units up. is translated 6 units left and 2 units down is translated 2 units right and 6 units up.

4 Question 3 Using the graph of f(x) = x2 as a guide, describe the transformations. g(x) = -8x2 A reflection across the x-axis and a horizontal stretch by a factor of 8. A reflection across the x-axis and a vertical compression by a factor of 8 A reflection across the x-axis and a vertical stretch by a factor of 8. A reflection across the x-axis and a horizontal compression by a factor of 8.

5 Question 4 The parent function f(x) = x2 is reflected across the x-axis, vertically stretched by a factor of 10, and translated right 10 units to create g. Use the description to write the quadratic function in vertex form. a. b. c. d.

6 Question 5 Identify the axis of symmetry for the graph of
a.) x = -1 b.) y = -1 c.) y = 1 d.) x = 1

7 Question 6 Determine whether the graph opens up or down. Find the axis of symmetry, the vertex and the y-intercept. a.) The parabola opens downward. The axis of symmetry is the line x = -1. The vertex is the point (-1, 14). The y-intercept is 10. b.) The parabola opens upward. The vertex is the point (-1, 14) The y-intercept 10. c.) The parabola opens upward. The vertex is the point (-1, -6). The y-intercept -5. d.) The parabola opens downward. The vertex is the point (-1, 7). The y-intercept is 5.

8 Question 7 Find the minimum or maximum value of
y = x2 – 2x – 6. Then state the domain and range of the function. a.The maximum value is 1. D: {all real numbers}; R: {y | y > -7} b.The maximum value is 1. D: {x | x > -7 }; R: {all real numbers} c.The minimum value is –7. D: {all real numbers}; R: {y | y > -7} d.The minimum value is –7. D: {x | x > -7 };

9 Question 8 The distance d in meters traveled by a skateboard on a ramp is related to the time traveled t in seconds. This is modeled by the function: d(t) = -4.9t2 – 2.3t What is the maximum distance the skateboard can travel, and at what time would it achieve this distance? a meters at 0.23 seconds b meters in 0 seconds c meters at 4.73 seconds d meters at 0.47 seconds

10 Question 9 Which quadratic function does the graph represent? 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 x –6 y Which quadratic function does the graph represent?

11 Question 10 Find the zeros of by using a graph. a. –5 b. –5 and 1
c. –2 and –9 d. 5 and –1

12 Question 11 Find the zeros of the function
f(x) = x2 +23x + 60 by factoring. a.) x = -20, -3 b.) x = 4, 15 c.) x = -4, -15 d.) x = 20, 3

13 Question 12 A toy rocket is launched from the ground level with an initial vertical velocity of 96 ft/s. After how many seconds will the rocket hit the ground? a. 6 seconds b. 0 seconds or 6 seconds c. 0 seconds d seconds

14 Question 13 Find the roots of the equation
30x – 45 = 5x2 by factoring. A.) x = -9 B.) x = 3 C.) x = 9 D.) x = -3

15 Question 14 Write a quadratic function in standard form with zeros 6 and –8. a.) b.) c.) d.)

16 Question 15 A quadratic function written in the form , f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k where a, h, and k are constants and (h, k) is the vertex a. parabola b. quadratic function c. axis of symmetry d. standard form e. vertex form

17 Question 16 where a, b, and c are real numbers and a is not 0.
a. parabola b. axis of symmetry c. standard form d. vertex form

18 Question 17 The shape of the graph of a quadratic function a. parabola
b. quadratic function c. axis of symmetry d. vertex

19 Question 18 The lowest or highest point in a parabola a. parabola
b. axis of symmetry c. vertex of a parabola d. maximum value

20 Question 19 The line through the vertex of a parabola that divides the parabola into two congruent halves A. quadratic function B. axis of symmetry C. vertex of a parabola D. maximum value

21 Question 20 The y-value of the vertex when a parabola opens upward
a. minimum value b. quadratic function c. axis of symmetry d. vertex of a parabola e. maximum value

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