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Cross The Importance of the Cross in the Christian’s Life.

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2 Cross The Importance of the Cross in the Christian’s Life

3 The suffering of death by crucifixion was intense. Severe local inflammation, coupled with an insignificant bleeding of the jagged wounds, produced traumatic fever, which was aggravated by exposure to the heat of the sun, the strain of the body, and insufferable thirst. Sauros: A stake or a post (as set upright) An instrument of capital punishment

4 The swelling around the rough nails and the torn, lacerated tendons and nerves caused excruciating agony. The arteries of the head and stomach were surcharged with blood and a terrific, throbbing headache ensued. Sauros: A stake or a post (as set upright) An instrument of capital punishment

5 Sauros: A stake or a post (as set upright); Tetanus often ensued and the rigors of the attending convulsions would tear at the wounds and add to the burden of pain, till at last the victim sank to unconsciousness and death. An instrument of capital punishment

6 Sauros: A stake or a post (as set upright) Death rarely occurred before thirty-six hours had elapsed, though sometimes hastened by breaking the legs of the victims and by a hard blow delivered under the armpit before crucifixion. The victim of crucifixion died a thousand deaths. An instrument of capital punishment

7 (crux immissa ) Sauros: A stake or a post (as set upright); An instrument of capital punishment

8 Cross The Importance of the Cross in the Christian’s Life

9 “Lifted up” (Jn.3:14; 12:32) “Suffered” (1Pet.2:21; 3:18) “Shed” His Blood (Mt.26:28) “Lay Down His Life” (Jn.10:15,17) “Sacrificed” (1Cor.5:7) “Delivered Up” (Rm.8:32) A “Ransom” (1Tim.2:6) “Hanged on a Tree” (Acts 5:30) “The Centerpiece of the Gospel”

10  A Monument of the Love of God

11  Our Means of Forgiveness

12  A Monument of the Love of God  Our Means of Forgiveness  Our Model for Obedience and Forgiveness

13  A Monument of the Love of God  Our Means of Forgiveness and Reconciliation  Our Model for Obedience and Forgiveness  Our Motivation for Obedience

14  A Monument of the Love of God  Our Means of Forgiveness and Reconciliation  Our Model for Obedience and Forgiveness  Our Motivation for Obedience  Our Message to the World

15  The Power of Love  The Power to Liberate  The Power of Life  The Power to Lead “There Is Power In The Blood”

16 Reminded of Christ’s Death Each Week through the Lord’s Supper (Mt.26:26-28; 1Cor.11:23-26) The Cross is the Center and the Circumference of the Gospel and Spiritual Life To Them Who Believe, It Is the Power of God Unto Salvation (1Cor.1:18).


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