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How Increasing Focus on Independent Reading Improved a Population of Title I Students.

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3 How Increasing Focus on Independent Reading Improved a Population of Title I Students

4 Explore data that shows the importance of focusing on independent reading Share conferencing strategies for implementing a successful and meaningful independent reading workshop Explore materials and resources that will help teachers facilitate and manage a successful and meaningful independent reading workshop

5 Independent reading is defined as “the reading students choose to do on their own. It reflects the reader’s personal choice of the material to be read as well as the time and place to read it.” We will define independent reading as “reading students do on their independent reading level, however, within the confines of leveled text, there is student choice.

6 Students’ reading achievement has been shown to correlate with success in school and the amount of independent reading they do (Greaney 1980; Anderson, Fielding and Wilson 1988). Students who read independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not. (Krashen 1993; Cunningham and Stanovich 1991) Longitudinal data in studies done by TCRWP and In House, show independent reading levels is the strongest correlation with state assessment success.

7 We combined strategies learned at The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University and established practices from the 100 Book Challenge Program led to: A change in intervention strategies Heavier focus on an independent reading program More meaningful and effective conferences with students Teacher modeling and collaboration within the classroom


9 The Research, Support, Decide, Teach, Send-off model is helpful when conferencing with readers. Research where the child is as a reader. They learn more about the child’s strengths and weaknesses Support the reader and compliment what the student is already doing well. Decide what the teaching point will be and how it will be taught Teach the reader something, in a minilesson format (modeling, guided practice, independent practice) Send-off and document students with a specific goal to work on for the week. How is this similar to what is already being done in your school? How could you make this work for you?

10 5 th graders as Tutors Formative Assessment Ideas Bully Nation by Susan Porter– Ten Mindful Minutes by Goldie Hawn- E-Pals.Com



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