12-12-2012 Paul Janssen / Martin Peersmann CERISE-SG about SMART GRID and Location.

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Presentation on theme: "12-12-2012 Paul Janssen / Martin Peersmann CERISE-SG about SMART GRID and Location."— Presentation transcript:

1 12-12-2012 Paul Janssen / Martin Peersmann CERISE-SG about SMART GRID and Location

2 12-12-2012 Geonovum Smart Grid E-government Multi Domain Interoperability picture© ESRI Geo Spatial Information

3 Smart location, Smart Cities, Smart Grid 12-12-2012 Geonovum About being Smart Smart City: IT infrastructure for managing a city’s economy; mobility; environment; people; living; and, governance Smart Grid: IT infrastructure for managing electricity power grids to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of production and distribution Is about optimizing management of resources by making use of IT infrastructure. The Web, sensor Web.. Internet of Things

4 CERISE – SG - 3 year project, PPP 12-12-2012 Geonovum Combining Energy and Spatial Information Standards as Enabler – Smart Grid Projectcosts: 1 mln; Period: oct2012-sept2015 Opdrachtgever: Consortium CERISE Co financed by Ministry of Economic affairs – program Top Sector Energy Agro-food Horticulture and commodities High tech materials systems Energy Logistics Creative industry Water Life Sciences Chemical industry Dutch Top Sector program: Stimulating innovation in business

5 CERISE Scope NORA, GEMMA, SUF BIM en 13 key registrations buildings, topo, soil & geology. GML/NEN3610, ISO/TC 211, OGC, IMKL, INSPIRE CIM (IEC61970/IEC61968) IEC 61850 CIM (IEC61970/IEC61968) IEC 61850 Not exhaustive list E-Overheid / NUP/ Logius E-Overheid / NUP/ Logius OGC E&U DWG, HUMBOLDT Geonovum, TU Delft PDOK (GeoPortal) OGC E&U DWG, HUMBOLDT Geonovum, TU Delft PDOK (GeoPortal) IEC, ISO, ITU NEN, NIST, CEN/CENELEC/ETSI EU- SGCG Domains Standards Stakeholders 12-12-2012 Geonovum

6 12-12-2012 Geonovum CERISE - connecting domains Providing standards for connecting

7 12-12-2012 Geonovum Semantics Syntax Semantics Syntax Semantics Syntax state of the art methodology & technology Processes from organisation centric to society centric Based on actual use cases / testbeds / field labs National & International oriented

8 3 years – 4 phases 12-12-2012 Geonovum Phase 0: Inventory and Analysis Report: overview relevant use cases, overview cost benefit, standardisation framework Phase 1: Use cases and information analysis, dataspecs, Phase 2: Information exchange protocols Mappings sources to dataspecs Harmonisation cookbook Phase 3: Testbeds, pilots, prototypes Phase 4: Evaluation and recommendations

9 Use case - oriented 12-12-2012 Geonovum Local control centre: interacting with the smart grid

10 12-12-2012 Geonovum Georeference and basic geo data, Spatial Data Infrastructure

11 12-12-2012 Geonovum Smart grids and public safety

12 CERISE- SG: organisational picture Alliander: Gas and Electricity distribution (3.3 mln costumers) TU-Delft: Technical University Delft, GIS technology TNO: Research and Development institute Geodan: Geo ICT technology consultancies Geonovum: Geo standardisation and formalisation Dutch Power: Sector Organisation of Energy Kien Foundation: Innovation 12-12-2012 Geonovum

13 Dutch Power: Energy sector organized 12-12-2012 Geonovum 52 SME and Large companies

14 Kien Foundation: Innovation in Energy installation 12-12-2012 Geonovum Network of Installation companies

15 12-12-2012 Geonovum

16 CERISE - SG Meet us at: 12-12-2012 Geonovum

17 12-12-2012 Geonovum "smart street lights," which have the ability to alert workers through an iPad app when they need to be repaired or replaced. Additionally, technicians can control the output of each light with the app, further increasing efficiency

18 12-12-2012 Geonovum Barchman Wuytierslaan 10, 3818 LH Amersfoort Postbus 508, 3800 AM Amersfoort + 31 (0) 334 604 100 info@geonovum.nl www.geonovum.nl

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