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Christianity Judaism Islam Confucianism China Shinto Animism Doaism Followers worship nature and believe in spirits Pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan,

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity Judaism Islam Confucianism China Shinto Animism Doaism Followers worship nature and believe in spirits Pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity Judaism Islam Confucianism China Shinto Animism Doaism Followers worship nature and believe in spirits Pray 5 times a day, fast during Ramadan, and follow the 5 pillars Monotheistic belief systems that believe in God and follow the 10 commandments (2 answers) Creates social order through the 5 relationships and Filial Piety? Where was it developed?

2 Article Review The Arab Israeli Conflict takes place in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Sinai Desert. What started the conflict? Who is Yasir Arafat? What were the intifadas? The United Nations partitioned Palestine creating the Jewish state of Israel. The Arabs of the Middle East are angry about this Palestine leader who has spent decades running a guerilla warfare campaign against Israel. Leader of PLO- Palestine Liberation Organization Intifadas are uprisings that have led to thousands of deaths. Tactics range from throwing stones to suicide bombers

3 Neolithic Revolution The People began to settle in River valleys for abundant resources, water and fertile land. Match the locations and civilizations to its correct River Valley Nile Tigris & Euphrates Huang He Indus Egyptians China Mesopotamia Song Dynasty Sumer India Gupta Middle East Egypt

4 Adapting to Geography Explain how the following adapted to their geographic features Mountains Greece Inca China Waterways Britain Constantinople Venice Japan- limited resources Middle East- Cross Roads Korea- Cultural Bridge City States/ trade Roads/ terrace farming Terrace farming/ isolation Powerful Navy/ trade Trade center/ Silk road  Mediterranean Mediterranean  Europe/ fund Renaissance Meiji Restoration led to imperialism in SE Asia Trade between East and West- Cultural Diffusion Unique culture from isolated China. Shared with Japan

5 Show me the Money Mercantilism Traditional Communist Capitalist Manoralism Export more than Import Colonies exist for good of nation Trade and bartering based on culture, tradition and family Trade Command economy Government decides what to produce, when, and quantity Supply and Demand Laissez Faire- market should be determined by consumers not government Feudal economy Serfs receive land in exchange for military service and labor

6 People to know Use your notes or book to look up the following people. For each identify their time period (French Revolution, Scientific Revolution, etc.), what they did, and an impact of their actions. Ex: Robespierre French Revolution French leader during Reign of Terror- Guillotine Robespierre left a legacy of terror and human rights abuses, killed the King Johannes GutenbergWoodrow Wilson (14 points) Galilee GalileoMikhail Gorbachev Mohandas GandhiMao Zedong Otto Von Bismarck Pol Pot

7 Johannes Gutenberg Renaissance Used movable type to quickly print the Bible. Gutenberg’s techniques were used by Martin Luther to quickly reproduce the 95 Theses leading to the Protestant Reformation

8 Galilee Galileo Scientific Revolution (inquiry) Developed a heliocentric model of the universe, Proved Copernicus’ heliocentric model through observation Started the new scientific method based on observation and experimentation.

9 Mohandas Gandhi Indian Independence Movement (1900-1950) Gandhi trained as a lawyer in England, fought for equality in South Africa, and eventually returned to India to lead nationalist efforts. Passive Resistance and Civil Disobedience Gandhi’s ideas of nonviolence have inspired many movements including Nkrumah (Ghana), Kenyatta (Kenya), and Civil Rights in USA

10 Otto Von Bismarck German unification Campaign of Blood and Iron to unite German states under Kaiser William I fighting a series of war to unite Unified Germany has played a major role in world history, including WWI and WWII

11 Woodrow Wilson World War I USA President during WWI; when discussing peace he pushed 14 points, including a peace keeping organization and Self-Determination, allowing nations to chose their own governments The Europeans created the League of Nations. Self Determination led to many nationalist movements

12 Mikhail Gorbachev Cold War 1980s-1991 Gorbachev introduced Perestroika (reforms) and Glasnost (openness) to reduce Cold War tensions. Perestroika destroyed the Soviet economy, and eventually led to the fall of the Soviet Union, end of the cold war, and start of Russia’s Republic

13 Mao Zedong China’s Communist Revolution Communist leader, forced on the Long March to avoid persecution. On Long March met with and encouraged peasants After WWII Mao led the communist Revolution, using the support from peasants he met on Long March. Great Leap Forward (like 5 year plans and Cultural Revolution (Youths in power)

14 Pol Pot Cambodian Genocide late 1970s Pol Pot became leader of the Khmer Rouge and began a communist revolution in Cambodia. He emptied the cities and rejected western ideas. 1/4 of the population was slaughtered and tortured After Pol Pot is ousted Cambodia struggles to return to world affairs, rebuild cities, educate populace, and modernize.

15 World War I MAINMAIN Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism The Great War was started by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. When Austria declared war on Serbia, the collective security of alliances kicked in. Nationalism increases after World War I due to Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points (Self Determination One slip of paper write two things you learn from Crash Course, at least one effect of the war

16 The Dark Ages Un-enlightened time period where creativity and culture decrease. But also saw stability with few wars.

17 Review Mercantilism Traditional Communist Capitalist Manoralism Name an area, society or time period for each economic system



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