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Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center (RGC)

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Presentation on theme: "Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center (RGC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center (RGC)

2 Volume of Offenders  Offenders arrive at RGC from the County Jails at a rate of:  800-1100 per month  20 – 80 per Day

3 Types of Offenders  Offenders arrive at RGC that are:

4 Types of Offenders  Parole Violators – Technical Rule Violators  These offenders broke the rules of parole but have not been convicted of a new crime.  These offenders will see the Parole Violation Unit (PVU) to determine if their parole will be reinstated or revoked.  When the PVU is completed with their process, the offender will be transferred.  They will likely be transferred prior to knowing their decision.

5 Types of Offenders  Parole Violators with a New Sentence or Probation Violators with a New Sentence  Offender was on parole or probation and has been convicted of a new crime.

6 Types of Offenders  Probation Violator – Technical Violator  Prisoner was on probation and violated that probation by breaking the rules. He has been re-sentenced from probation to prison.

7 Types of Offenders  New Commit  Prisoner was not under any type of community supervision at the time of their offense.

8 Types of Offenders  Youthful Offenders  Prisoner 17 years of age or younger who is not sentenced under Holmes Youthful Trainee Act (HYTA).

9 12 Day Process  Offenders are taken through a 12 day process prior to leaving RGC.  There are cases where the process is accelerated and completed in less than 12 days.  Crisis Stabilization Unit, Medical / Mental Health Issues, Adaptive Skills Residential Program (previously known as SSDU. Levels I, II, and III are placed at MTU. Levels IV and V are placed at SLF), Protective Custody Cases, etc.  Youthful offenders

10 12 Day Process / Day 1  Offender is transported from the County Jail to RGC.  The transporting officer provides Record’s Office Staff authorization to incarcerate offender.  Property in possession of the offender including clothing is collected in the Intake Holding Area. Prisoners are given the choice to send items home or have the items destroyed.  Offender is fingerprinted, strip searched, and jail reports are reviewed to identify immediate psychological or custody concerns.

11 12 Day Process / Day 1  Each prisoners receives a face to face interview with a Health Care Professional.  Those prisoners with mental health concerns are seen by a psychologist.  Those with special health care/mental health needs are placed in holding cells for further evaluation.  Prisoners designated as needing Crisis Stabilization might be sent to WCC or DWH for Direct Observation.  Prisoner is interviewed by Records Office staff to confirm all personal contact information.  Pictures are taken for the offender ID card and scars, marks, and tattoos are photographed and entered into OMNI.  Prisoner is given state-issued clothing through the quartermaster.  Prisoner is given his prisoner number and I.D. and escorted to the Housing Units.

12 12 Day Process / Day 2  Day 2 is comprised of:  Follow up from Day 1 Medical Reviews  Prisoners identified from Day 1 as having special medical needs see a Physician.  X-Rays if needed. (for TB Testing)  Outpatient Mental Health Interviews  Test of Adult Basic Education T.A.B.E. Testing  Given to all offenders who do not have a verified HS Diploma or GED.  Offenders are TABE Tested with the Locator 9/10.

13 12 Day Process / Day 2  All available Day 2 offenders with unverified GEDs or HS Diplomas will complete a Educational History / Transcript Request Form.  School File:  Existing School Files are requested from Record’s Retention  New School Files are created.  Offender Education Tracking System (OETS) entry begins by RGC School Staff.

14 12 Day Process / Day 3  All Day 3 offenders go to:  Medical for Lab (Blood Work-ups)  Vision Check  Dental Clinic

15 12 Day Process / Day 4  Day 4 offenders are only released from their cells if they are on callout to attend Psychological Interviews.

16 12 Day Process / Day 5  Day 5 offenders are released from their cells if they are on callout to attend Psychological Interviews in the A.M.  Prisoner Orientation is held in the P.M. of Day 5  Prisoner Peer Mediators present a segment on HIV/AID’s.  Prisoners are informed of the following:  Facilities Administrative Staff  Classification Process  Prisoner Pitfalls  COMPAS/TAP – begins the prisoner Reentry process. *  Occupational Safety  Count Procedures  Disciplinary Policy  SASSI

17 12 Day Process / Day 6  Day 6 offenders are released from their cells if they are on callout to attend Psychological Interviews in the A.M.  Catch-up TABE Testing in the P.M.  for those offenders without a verified GED or HS Diploma that had medical conflicts on Day 2.

18 12 Day Process / Day 7  Career Scope Testing in the AM for offenders who:  Have a verified GED / HS Diploma  Indicated to the teaching staff at RGC that they have a HS Diploma or GED during the TABE Testing  Are within 7 Years of their ERD

19 12 Day Process / Day 8  Vocational Interviews  Teaching staff interview the offender to:  Cover Career Scope Assessment results  Inquire about past employment history  Find out the anticipated county the prisoner will be paroled to.  Provide CTE programs pamphlet

20 12 Day Process / Days 9 & 10  Days 9 and 10 are reserved for offenders to be given their physicals. Each offender receives a complete health physical.

21 12 Day Process / Days 11 & 12  Classification  Prisoner is interviewed by a Reentry Processor and given:  RGC Recommendations These recommendations are based upon information found in the PSI and through interviews which determine what each prisoner needs.  COMPAS Assessment – For all Newly Committed Offenders age 18 or older. Anyone under the age of 18 does not receive a COMPAS.  Each prisoner is interviewed using the Collaborative Case Management style interview.

22  TAP  Offenders are written a transition plan based upon the outcome of the COMPAS to accurately assess the prisoners needs and set goals.  Initial Security Classification  Property / Assault Screens  Vital Document Search (Birth Certificates/Social Security/License/State I.D. Cards).  Vermont Assessment for Sex Offender Risk (VASOR)  All prisoners within 7 months of their ERD will receive a PER.

23 12 Day Process  Offenders will be transferred from RGC to their receiving facility based on their security and medical needs.  Technical Rule Violators will be transferred to Reentry facilities :  They have had their PV hearings and  Parole has been reinstated stipulating that the prisoner be placed at an Reentry site for 60 days.  Prisoners are sent to the Reentry site closest to or in the region where they will parole.  ***Some prisoners are paroled to the Reinstatement Diversion Programs  IDRP Intensive Drug Residential Program - Ingham Cty Jail  PTR/TRRP Tuscola Reentry Residential Program  PLK/lCRRP Lake County Residential Reentry Program Length of Stay at RGC  The average length of stay at RGC for a new commit prisoner is 30-45 days.  The average length of stay at RGC for a Parole Violator varies depending on when they have their PV hearings.  No prisoner should be in RGC more than 90 days.

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