Personalised learning project Presentation to Colleges – Colegau Cymru Network meeting – Nov 4 th 2014 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed.

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1 Personalised learning project Presentation to Colleges – Colegau Cymru Network meeting – Nov 4 th 2014 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed

2 Transfer of Innovation Project - mapping involving: HAMK – vocational teacher training university in Hameelinna, Finland Mercantec, Jutland, Denmark and the Danish Government ROC West Brebant, Netherlands Slovenian Ministry of Education Coleg Cambria

3 Inspire Innovate Succeed The project aims to support individual study planning in VET. Products: MAP – principles which develop individualised learning teacher training unit: Mooc & CPD units to develop innovative approaches multimedia documentation – case studies of best practice

4 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed Activities Developed observation grid to evaluate the good practice in the two countries of knowledge transfer: Denmark Finland Under took observations and interviews with students, teachers and managers in both countries and defined what individualised study planning meant to us based on best practice. Highly influenced by this research:

5 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed Key findings - Denmark Use of monitoring, ILP, marking & feedback software for teachers, learners, employers, parents - Elevplan Individualised task choice with common assessment goals, lots of independent learning in spaces around the classroom – little didactic teaching, more project based task development Every learner brought their own laptop to class, enabled independent learning When learning topics, learners could choose to stay and learn didactically or go off and do work independently and then seek help when stuck - differentiation

6 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed Key findings - Finland More structured in terms of task setting – but high levels of differentiation with individual learning planning – pace of learning and units chosen Lots of blended learning opportunities for selected units – use of social media to develop learning communities l Very high quality teacher training focussing on active learning methods and learning technologies Vocational learning as academic learning – e.g. agriculture and bio- sciences, study languages and science alongside vocational subjects Not the option for less able learners Vocational learning as academic learning – e.g. agriculture and bio- sciences, study languages and science alongside vocational subjects Not the option for less able learners

7 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed Outcomes Bought Promonitor Tool for student tracking Further developing online communities – Google communities and Google classroom Using blogs and social media tools for learners to develop literacy skills and evidence technical skills development teach smarter, learn better approaches – Schemes of learning, More flexible teaching and task design, project based approaches Learning activities resource bank Prep & flipped classrooms Peer assessment & A for L teach smarter, learn better approaches – Schemes of learning, More flexible teaching and task design, project based approaches Learning activities resource bank Prep & flipped classrooms Peer assessment & A for L Strong focus on high quality teacher training as a corporate programme to develop and share best practice Promoting independent learning skills based on ‘personalisation’ and improving differentiationg

8 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed Coleg Cambria’s Teaching and Learning Strategy Learner led (personalised) learning Inspirational and effective teaching Outstanding progress = +

9 Ysbrydoli Arloesi Llwyddo - Inspire Innovate Succeed Benefits of Euro projects…

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