Biopsychology Psychology 222 Dr. Ann Voorhies. The study of the biological basis of behavior –How the nervous system works –How it controls behavior –How.

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Presentation on theme: "Biopsychology Psychology 222 Dr. Ann Voorhies. The study of the biological basis of behavior –How the nervous system works –How it controls behavior –How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biopsychology Psychology 222 Dr. Ann Voorhies

2 The study of the biological basis of behavior –How the nervous system works –How it controls behavior –How behavior affects the nervous system What is biopsychology?

3 Goals of biopsychology To explain behavior –This involves: Generalization Reduction To understand normal brain function To discover mechanisms of abnormal brain function.

4 How is biopsychology studied? Five perspectives: –Description of behavior Structure Function –Evolution of behavior –Development of behavior –Mechanisms of behavior –Application of biopsychology to human and animal experience

5 Studying brain function in animals? Most basic research is done in non-human animals. Brain structures and functions have remained similar throughout evolution. Research that cannot ethically be done on humans can be carried out in animals.

6 Who studies biopsychology? Physiological psychologists, or behavioral neuroscientists –Simple: Motor reflex –Highly complex: Dreaming, learning a language, falling in love… Scientists study observable behavioral phenomena in humans and animals.

7 Who studies biopsychology? Education: Ph.D. or M.D. –Though like all research, neuroscience is supported by the work of graduate students, lab techs, and undergraduate assistants. Typically work in a lab at a university, private research institution, industry or government.

8 Who studies biopsychology? Biopsychology is the same as: –Physiological psychology –Behavioral neuroscience Biopsychology is NOT the same as: –Neurology –Neuropsychology –Neurosurgery Although ALL of these are a part of the broad field of neuroscience.

9 20 th century contributions Donald Hebb Eric Kandel Elizabeth Gould Drug effects lead to discovery of neurotransmitters. Advances in understanding brain damage and disease. So much more…

10 What to expect in Psych 202 Biopsychology builds on basic concepts learned in Introductory Psychology as well as basic biological understanding

11 What to expect in Psych 202 In this course you will be exposed to a great deal of new terminology –This is new vocabulary for everyone

12 What to expect in Psych 202 This course will present a LOT of new information. –Time outside of class –Reading and reviewing The vast amount of material presented is typical of any introductory course in biopsychology.

13 What to expect in Psych 202 The first four weeks of the quarter: –Basic structures and functions of the nervous system –Challenging and dry After the first 2 exams, the rest of the quarter will cover systems including sleeping, sex, eating, learning, emotion and communication.

14 How to succeed in Psych 202 Start with the understanding that this course will require a great deal of work. Make a commitment to learning the material on a daily basis. This will prepare you to approach the course in a manageable way. IF this is not a quarter in which you will be able to spend a significant amount of time on material for one class, this may not be the best time for you to take Psych 202.

15 How to succeed in Psych 202 IN CLASS –Come prepared - read the chapter to be discussed in class BEFORE class. –Print out the note outlines, provided on the course website prior to each class. –Take your own notes in addition to the provided outline - much more information will covered in class than appears on the notes.

16 How to succeed in Psych 202 IN CLASS - QUESTIONS –If you have a question during lecture, jot it down in the margin of your notes. One of the following things will happen: Your question may be answered in the upcoming slides. Toward the end of a section or lecture, I will take a few minutes to answer questions – if you are wondering about something, ask for clarification at this time. If we run out of lecture time before I can answer your question, post it to the course discussion board. Questions will be answered there daily.

17 How to succeed in Psych 202 ON YOUR OWN –Read each chapter before it is due in class –Take notes as you read This works best if you read one section (NOT a whole chapter), stop, and summarize in 3-5 sentences what you just read. Summarizing the material into your own words will help you to process it more thoroughly, and will also challenge you to see if you truly understood what you just read.

18 How to succeed in Psych 202 ON YOUR OWN –After each lecture (immediately, or later that same day), make some notes about what was discussed Summarize in paragraph form OR Create a hierarchical outline of details covered

19 How to succeed in Psych 202 BEFORE TESTS –If you have kept up with the previous suggestions, you will have numerous notes on the reading and lectures - use these notes, along with the class notes to study. –Quiz yourself using the review sheet provided on the course website. Make sure you can explain each term, as well as how it relates to the other terms around it. –Use the quizzes provided on the textbook website. –See the course website for further study suggestions.

20 Your rights in Psych 202 Although you will miss a great deal by not coming to class - that is your own decision to make. The teaching staff is available to answer any questions. –I will do my best to take questions in lecture. –All questions posted to the course discussion board will be answered within 24 hours.

21 Expectations of you in Psych 202 If you miss class, it is up to you to find out what you missed from another student. –Do not ask the teaching staff if you missed anything in class. The answer is always YES. You are required to take every test at the scheduled time. –There will be NO makeup exams In exchange for respecting you as a student and person, I expect to be respected as your professor. This includes respectful classroom behavior as well as professional demeanor in all correspondence.

22 More details… Read your syllabus. You need to be aware of all of the details in it, and can expect to see questions about those details in the first exam.

23 What you will gain from Psych 202 You will learn a huge amount in this class –Not only will you be prepared to gain a great deal more from future Psychology classes - you will also be a smarter person! You will establish study skills that will serve you throughout your education. You will strengthen your critical thinking skills.

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