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Planning Fundamentals  Include participation from all stakeholders in the community.  Use problem-solving process to help address the complexity and.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Fundamentals  Include participation from all stakeholders in the community.  Use problem-solving process to help address the complexity and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Planning Fundamentals  Include participation from all stakeholders in the community.  Use problem-solving process to help address the complexity and uncertainty in potential hazards and threats.  Consider all hazards and threats.  Be flexible enough to address both traditional and catastrophic incidents  Clearly identify the mission and supporting goals.

3 Planning Fundamentals  Community-based, representing the whole population and its needs.  Understanding the composition of the population: Those with disabilities Children The Elderly Those with limited financial resources

4 6 Points to Developing Emergency Operations Plans  Step 1: Form a Team  Step 2: Understand the Situation Gather information and risk assessment  Step 3: Determine Priorities, Goals and Objectives  Step 4: Plan Development  Step 5: Plan Preparation, Review & Approval  Step 6: Implementation plan & Maintenance Source: CPG 101 V2

5 ESF Team Roles and Responsibilities  An ESF team will provide much of the information that needs to be included in an EOP.  Review and update specific ESF sections of the Emergency Operation Plan  Identify actions of preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation

6 Emergency Support Functions Who would Serve on each ESF? 1 - Transportation & Infrastructure 2 - Communication 3 - Public Works & Engineering 4 - Fire Service 5 - Emergency Management 6 - Mass Care, Housing & Human Services 7 - Resource Support 8 - Health & Medical Services 9 - Urban Search & Rescue 10 - Oil & Hazardous Materials Response 11 - Agriculture, Natural Resources 12 - Energy 13 - Public Safety & Security 14 - Recovery & Mitigation 15 - External Affairs

7 Kansas Planning Standards (KPS)

8 What are Kansas Planning Standards (KPS)?  Comprehensive guide to review or redevelop Local/County Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs).  A guide for the local level to follow that will ensure a maximum level of emergency management is reached for the community served.

9 History of EOP Planning  As of 2006, most EOPs were out of date: Standards had not been updated since the 1990s Some EOPS were approved in the 1960s – 70s  The 2006 Kansas Planning standards began the process of modernizing EOPs Strategy ○ Identify the minimal requirements for updating EOPs. ○ Help counties develop a modern EOP ○ Build on the planning process with the 2011 Kansas Planning Standards update.  Build by enhancing partnerships  Build with whole community concept

10 Why did the KPS need updated?  New regulations  Building from current Kansas Planning Standards  Enhance Plans  Guidance for planners to engage whole community concept within the planning process

11 Who participated in updating the KPS? Revision, Feedback and Suggestions:  County emergency management representative from each of the seven homeland security regions  Regional Coordinators  Private Sector: Plan Contractors  Kansas Division of Emergency Management GIS Hazardous Materials Mitigation Planning Sheltering and Mass Care  State of Kansas Emergency Support Function Teams  Federal Emergency Management Agency

12 State of Kansas Emergency Support Function Teams:  Kansas Department of Transportation  Kansas Department of Health and Environment  Department of Ag  Kansas Highway Patrol  SRS

13 Changes that were made for the 2011 KPS  Format  Attachments are required  ADA compliance required  Addressing sheltering needs required  Damage assessment  Recovery  Identify Priorities

14 Accepted Responses to KPS requirements  Reference attachment in file archive  Action identified is assigned to an agency in accordance with the SOP or SOG in place.  If the county does not have a local capability (resource), they will activate mutual aid, and then request state resource support.  The county will comply with ADA standards.

15 KDEM expectation of submitted plans  Requirements of KPS have been met  Attachments are included in file archives  County Emergency Managers have read and approved plan  Emergency Support Function teams have read, approved, and agreed with plan

16 KDEM Review  KDEM will review plans using a crosswalk The crosswalk is based directly off the KPS and is available in advance to the County Emergency Manager. The crosswalk will indicate when the standard is met The crosswalk will offer comments for correction as needed  KDEM approval will be “pending” until receipt of signed promulgation. Promulgation requires the county formally adopt the Plan.

17 BOLD Super System

18 BOLD Supersystem  Developed by KDEM to assist the counties in planning  One system houses EOPs, COOPs, and Mitigation plans  Plans share information with each other through a master level plan. Information that rolls up to the master plan helps develop a COG plan.

19 BOLD Supersystem  Users County Emergency Managers for EOP Planning County Departments for COOP planning State Departments for COOP planning Private / non-profit for COOP planning

20 BOLD Supersystem  How it works Overview Basic Plan Annexes  Demo Login DEMO County Login Demo.user Kansas2012

21 EOPCOOPMitigation

22 Master Plan EOP Departments Facilities / Sites Contacts Succession / Authorities General Info Jurisdiction Profile Hazard / Risk Assessment Communications Incident Command System Annexes (ESFs) TTE /Plan Maintenance Mutual Aids and MOU’s References / Authorities Email Notification File Archives Base Plan Reports : shares with Master

23 Questions ? Andrew Foster KDEM Planning 785-861-3025

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