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Soil Pile Group Interaction in FB-MultiPier

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Pile Group Interaction in FB-MultiPier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Pile Group Interaction in FB-MultiPier
Dr. J. Brian Anderson, P.E. Developed by: Florida Bridge Software Institute Dr. Mike McVay, Dr. Marc Hoit, Dr. Mark Williams

2 Session Goals Soil-Pile Group Interaction
Discussion of Soil Strucuture Interaction Model Lateral p-y multipliers Axial efficiency factors Example #2 Pile Group Analysis – Load Test at Roosevelt Bridge

3 Coupled Soil-Structure Interaction
Debris Impact Scour Plumb Piles/Shafts Earthquake Battered Piles Live and Dead Loading Ship Impact

4 Typical Deep Foundations:

5 Soil-Structure Interaction
Vertical Nonlinear Spring Torsional Nonlinear Spring Lateral Nonlinear Spring Nonlinear Tip Spring

6 Single Pile Model P (F/L) Y (F/L2) Z

7 Lateral Soil-Structure Interaction
Y Passive State Active State Y P

8 Soil-Pile Group Interaction
Lead Row Smallest Disturbance

9 Soil-Pile Group Interaction
P x Pm2 P-y curves P P x Pm1 P-y curves Group Interaction: Modeled with Multipliers

10 Soil-Pile Group Interaction - Lateral
P-Multipliers BROWN & REESE (1988) R R R I II III - Multipliers, Pm for P Values in P-y Curves - Function of Row Position in Group ROW Pm R I R II Static R Ship Load III Pm would be 0.3 for R or greater IV

11 Summing Effects of a Friction Pile Group (FHWA)
Soil-Pile Group Interaction - Axial Axial Efficiency Summing Effects of a Friction Pile Group (FHWA)

12 Block Failure Mode of Piles in Cohesive Soils (FHWA)
Soil-Pile Group Interaction - Axial Axial Efficiency Block Failure Mode of Piles in Cohesive Soils (FHWA)

13 Experiments Scale Cenrtifuge Models (UF) Full Scale
Plumb and battered pile groups Embedded caps Full Scale Roosevelt Bridge Lateral Load Test (UF) Axial Group Study (UH)

14 Centrifuge Modeling Field 1 ft Centrifuge 50 g 50 ft
Same Soil Stresses

15 Full Scale Load Test at Roosevelt Bridge

16 Roosevelt 4x4 Field Study

17 Prediction of Field Response

18 Single vs. Group Axial Behavior
3D 10.75” pipe FHWA: Houston Study 25 ft clay 18 ft Sandy clay Total Group Individual Group Axial Single Axial

19 Experimental Results: Plumb Piles
Efficiencies and multipliers are independent of soil density Group Efficiencies: At 5D Spacings - 95% At 3D Spacings - 70% to 75% Lateral Multipliers: At 3D Spacing- 0.8, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2,…,0.3 At 5D Spacing- 1.0 , 0.85, 0.7,…..,0.7

20 Experimental - Battered Piles
Efficiencies and multipliers are independent of soil density Lateral Multipliers: At 3D Spacing- 0.8, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2,…,0.3 At 5D Spacing- 1.0 , 0.85, 0.7,…..,0.7 Data Available only for A frame design

21 Pinned Laterally Loaded Pile Group

22 Fixed Head Laterally Loaded Group

23 Design Summary Pile Group response is strongly influenced by geometry, loading, connectivity, & material characterization geometry: 3D vs. 5D, battered vs. plumb connectivity: fixed vs. pinned pile heads loading: lateral or combined lateral & axial material: linear vs. nonlinear pile models

24 References Zhang, L.M., McVay, M.C., Han, S.J., Lai, P. and Gardner, R., “Effects of Dead Loads on the Lateral Response of Battered Pile Groups,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 39, No. 6, June 2002, pg McVay, M.C., Zhang, L., Molnit, T., Bollmann, H., and Lai, P., “Centrifuge Testing of Large Plumb Pile Groups (3x3 To 7x3) in Sands,” ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Oct. 1998, Vol. 124, No 10, pp Zhang, L., McVay, M.C., and Lai, P., “Numerical Analysis of Fixed Head 3x3 to 7x3 Plumb Pile Groups in Sands,” ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Nov, 1999, Vol. 125, No. 11, pp Brown, D, Morrison, C., and Reese, L. “Lateral Load Behavior of a Pile Group in Sand,” ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1988, Vol 114, No. 11, pp McVay, M.C., Zhang, L., Han, S., and Lai, P., “Experimental and Analytical Modeling of Laterally Loaded Pile Groups with Embedded Pile Caps in Sand,” Transportation Research Record, No. 1736, Dec. 2000, pp Pinto, P. and McVay, M.C., Hoit, M., and Lai, P, “Centrifuge Testing of Plumb and Battered Pile Groups in Sand,” Transportation Research Record, No. 1569, Jan. 1997, pp O'Neill, M. W., Brown, D. A., Anderson, D. G., El Naggar, M. H., Townsend, F. C., Mcvay, M. C. (1997). “Static and dynamic lateral loading of pile groups.” NCHRP 24-9, Highway Research Center, Harbert Engineering Center, Auburn University, Auburn, AL

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