George Washington Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson.

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Presentation on theme: "George Washington Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson."— Presentation transcript:



3 George Washington

4 Abraham Lincoln

5 Thomas Jefferson

6 John F. Kennedy

7 Franklin D. Roosevelt

8 Jeopardy George Washington Abraham LincolnThomas JeffersonJohn F. Kennedy Franklin D. Roosevelt 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

9 $100 Question George Washington Mount Vernon,Virginia in 1799

10 $100 Answer George Washington When and Where Was George Washington buried?

11 Return

12 $200 Question George Washington These 5 states were important during Washington’s presidency

13 $200 Answer George Washington How many states were were added to the Union during Washington’s presidency?

14 Return

15 $300 Question George Washington 13 of these were on an important icon during Washinton’s presidency

16 $300 Answer George Washington How many stars were on the U.S. flag when Washington got elected?

17 Return

18 $400 Question George Washington Washington did not live here because it wasn’t built.

19 $400 Answer George Washington What is the White House?

20 Return

21 $500 Question George Washington George Washington was also a general in this war

22 $500 Answer George Washington What was the Revolutionary War?

23 Return

24 $100 Question Abraham Lincoln Lincoln fought to end slavery and create equality between the North and South during this war.

25 $100 Answer Abraham Lincoln What was the Civil War?

26 Return

27 $200 Question Abraham Lincoln Lincoln was often called by this name because of this virtue

28 $200 Answer Abraham Lincoln Who was Honest Abe?

29 Return

30 $300 Question Abraham Lincoln Four Score and Seven Years Ago was the beginning of Lincoln’s speech during this sad reference to the fallen army.

31 $300 Answer Abraham Lincoln What was the Gettysburg Address?

32 Return

33 $400 Question Abraham Lincoln This word described the end of slavery during the Civil War

34 $400 Answer Abraham Lincoln What is emancipation?

35 Return

36 $500 Question Abraham Lincoln This was a nationwide network that worked secretly to help slaves escape to freedom during the 1800’s.

37 $500 Answer Abraham Lincoln What was the Underground Railroad?

38 Return

39 $100 Question Thomas Jefferson This important document was mostly written by Thomas Jefferson to declare America and independent and free country.

40 $100 Answer Thomas Jefferson What is the Declaration of Independence?

41 Return

42 $200 Question Thomas Jefferson Jefferson was noted for purchasing this state from France in 1803.

43 $200 Answer Thomas Jefferson What is Louisiana?

44 Return

45 $300 Question Thomas Jefferson Jefferson’s last great public service was the founding of this great college.

46 $300 Answer Thomas Jefferson What is the University of Virginia?

47 Return

48 $400 Question Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson was the 3 rd president elected after these two great men.

49 $400 Answer Thomas Jefferson Who was George Washington and John Adams?

50 Return

51 $500 Question Thomas Jefferson These great explorers were chosen by Jefferson to new frontier in the Pacific Northwest

52 $500 Answer Thomas Jefferson Who were Lewis and Clark

53 Return

54 $100 Question John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy was elected this year as the 35 th President of the United States

55 $100 Answer John F. Kennedy What is 1960?

56 Return

57 $200 Question John F. Kennedy This worldwide organization was set up by JFK to volunteer Americans to help poor countries in need.

58 $200 Answer John F. Kennedy What is the Peace Corp?

59 Return

60 $300 Question John F. Kennedy This war between the Soviet Union and the United States had no combat but tension existed for over twenty years.

61 $300 Answer John F. Kennedy What was theCold War?

62 Return

63 $400 Question John F. Kennedy This great wall was built by the Soviet Union to keep the communist East from escaping to the democratic West.

64 $400 Answer John F. Kennedy What was the Berlin Wall?

65 Return

66 $500 Question John F. Kennedy This law was put into action in the 1960’s to say it is Unlawful to keep people of a different race or religion from getting a fair job, house or education.

67 $500 Answer John F. Kennedy What was the Civil Rights Act?

68 Return

69 $100 Question Franklin D. Roosevelt F.D.R. was stricken with this disease during his Presidency even though most Americans did not know it.

70 $100 Answer Franklin D. Roosevelt What is polio?

71 Return

72 $200 Question Franklin D. Roosevelt This president put 13 million Americans back to work in the 1930’s under this program.

73 $200 Answer Franklin D. Roosevelt What was the New Deal?

74 Return

75 $300 Question Franklin D. Roosevelt This attack at a naval station in Hawaii by the Japanese led to World War II.

76 $300 Answer Franklin D. Roosevelt What was Pearl Harbor?

77 Return

78 $400 Question Franklin D. This worldwide organization was planned by FDR to help communications between all nations.

79 $400 Answer Franklin D. Roosevelt What is the United Nations?

80 Return

81 $500 Question Franklin D. Roosevelt This former First Lady was the only woman to live in the White house the longest (12 years).

82 $500 Answer Franklin D. Roosevelt Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?

83 Return

84 $100 Question Theodore Roosevelt This president was the first president of ride in an airplane built by these famous brothers.

85 $100 Answer Theodore Roosevelt Who were the Wright Brothers?

86 Return

87 $200 Question Theodore Roosevelt This stuffed animal was named after this president.

88 $200 Answer Theodore Roosevelt What is the teddy bear?

89 Return

90 $300 Question Theodore Roosevelt This part of the White House was built to house Teddy Roosevelt’s six children.

91 $300 Answer Theodore Roosevelt What is the West Wing?

92 Return

93 $400 Question Theodore Roosevelt This president was the first to have this famous African-American over for dinner at the White House.

94 $400 Answer Theodore Roosevelt Who was Booker T. Washington

95 Return

96 $500 Question Theodore Roosevelt This president was one of four presidents who were carved in the famous monument.

97 $500 Answer Theodore Roosevelt What is Mt. Rushmore

98 Return

99 Final Jeopardy Topic Mt. Rushmore

100 Final Jeopardy Question These four presidents were carved into this South Dakota monument.

101 Final Jeopardy Answer Who are Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington?

102 Thank You for Playing

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