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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs. UPPER LIMIT PROBLEM.

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Presentation on theme: "Overcoming Limiting Beliefs. UPPER LIMIT PROBLEM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs


3 Hidden Barriers Based on FEAR and FALSE belief

4 Hidden Barriers “I cannot expand to my full creative genius because something is fundamentally wrong with me” pg 45 Play it safe. Stay small 1. Fundamentally Flawed

5 Hidden Barriers “I cannot expand to my full creative genius because something is fundamentally wrong with me” pg 45 Play it safe. Stay small 1. Fundamentally Flawed

6 Hidden Barriers “I cannot expand to my full success because it would cause me to end up all alone, be disloyal to my roots, and leave behind people from my past” “You follow breakthroughs of success with bouts of self- punishment” pg 49 2. Disloyalty & Abandonment

7 Hidden Barriers “I cannot expand to my full success because it would cause me to end up all alone, be disloyal to my roots, and leave behind people from my past” “You follow breakthroughs of success with bouts of self- punishment” pg 49 2. Disloyalty & Abandondonment

8 Hidden Barriers “I can’t expand to my highest potential because I’d be an even bigger burden than I am now” pg 52 3. More Success Brings a Bigger Burden

9 Hidden Barriers “I can’t expand to my highest potential because I’d be an even bigger burden than I am now” pg 52 3. More Success Brings a Bigger Burdon

10 Hidden Barriers “I must not expand to my full success, because if I did I would outshine _______ and make him or her look or feel bad” pg 55 Turn down the volume or turn down enjoyment 4. The Crime of Outshining

11 Hidden Barriers “I must not expand to my full success, because if I did I would outshine _______ and make him or her look or feel bad” pg 55 Turn down the volume or turn down enjoyment 4. The Crime of Outshining

12 Awareness brings healing


14 WARNING SIGNS Worry Criticism and blame

15 WARNING SIGNS Worry Criticism and blame Deflecting

16 WARNING SIGNS Worry Criticism and blame Deflecting Squabbling

17 WARNING SIGNS Worry Criticism and blame Deflecting Squabbling Getting sick/Getting hurt

18 WARNING SIGNS Worry Criticism and blame Deflecting Squabbling Getting sick/Getting hurt Self destructive behaviors

19 Overcoming! 1. Ask is it true? Is it really true without a shadow of doubt?

20 Overcoming! 1. Ask is it true? Is it really true without a shadow of doubt? 2. What is the cost of this belief?

21 Overcoming! 1. Ask is it true? Is it really true without a shadow of doubt? 2. What is the cost of this belief? 3. Who would I be without this belief?

22 Overcoming! 1. Ask is it true? Is it really true without a shadow of doubt? 2. What is the cost of this belief? 3. Who would I be without this belief? 4. This is my belief, but how can the opposite be just as true

23 Success Challenge Affirmations

24 Experiencing Fear? “Fear is excitement without the breath” Fritz Perls MD The energy itself is neutral. It’s how we interpret it


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