The School Transformation Plan School Transformation Facilitator Training Baltimore, Maryland June 28, 2012 Queenie Dalcoe & Van Robinson.

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Presentation on theme: "The School Transformation Plan School Transformation Facilitator Training Baltimore, Maryland June 28, 2012 Queenie Dalcoe & Van Robinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 The School Transformation Plan School Transformation Facilitator Training Baltimore, Maryland June 28, 2012 Queenie Dalcoe & Van Robinson

2 Today’s Agenda: Introductions The tool The rationale The force The next steps

3 Today’s Objectives: Participants will be able to: – Understand the importance of the STP – Use the STP as a resource to documenting & monitoring the reform efforts within the school – Draft a timeline for introducing the STP to the partners – Make considerations for next steps – Identify professional development needs for mastering the STP on-site

4 The School Transformation What? Using the chart paper posted around the room, on a post-it, identify then post – What you know about the STP; – & what you want to know about the STP…

5 What is the STP? Guiding tool for partner collaboration in creating a shared plan of action Living document reviewing school’s progress and challenges Tool informing dialogue with district Document owned by all partners Enable a strong collaborative effort that drives school transformation

6 Teacher Teams and Small Learning Communities Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development Tiered Student Supports Can do Climate for Students and Staff

7 Who Uses the STP? Every person of the partnership supporting the TDS/DN programs uses the School Transformation Plan

8 Why Do We Use the STP? The STP is the tool by which the Talent Development Secondary model moves with clarity and fidelity Using the STP effectively, significant impact will occur This is an evidence-based road map for comprehensive school reform

9 When & Where Will the STP Be Used? The STP will be used onsite to inform all partners of the progress and challenges when there is a: Meeting with principal/admin team Meeting with partners (CY, CIS, school leadership) Meeting with STF/S4 when refining the plan

10 How Will the STP Be Used? The STP will be used to share valuable information with partners in transforming the schools. The STP will guide in trouble-shooting challenges arising during the year STP will drive data, action plans and the four pillars (Teacher teams & SLC, Curriculum & coaching, Tiered student support, Can do climate)

11 The STP As a Collaboration Tool A checklist A point of reference A summative assessment A documentation of partnership An action plan A resource for partners A timeline of services provided A reflection of movement towards goals A living document

12 Next Steps…Before Review the components of the STP Elicit assistance from FM, LM or RD as needed Schedule a meeting with your principal to review the 5 Ws + H of the STP Schedule a meeting with your Site Coordinator & Program Manager to review the 5 Ws + H of the STP Draft schedule to review, monitor & populate STP with ALL stakeholders Identify processes for tracking progress

13 Next Steps…During Elicit participation for all partners in reviewing, monitoring & populating the STP Review STP with principal & others Secure addendums to STP Confirm next meetings Forward to all partners for review

14 Next Steps…After Submit your site’s STP quarterly to Continue the cycle of monitoring the goals, essential components & populating the current status of implementation, actions initiated & goals

15 What would you do…? Within your table team, identify a: – Facilitator – Recorder – Reporter Based on the scenario provided to your table team, prepare an answer to share with the larger group You have 5 minutes to complete this task

16 Questions & Answers… Speak now…or forever…ask your: – STF siblings – FM – RD

17 The School Transformation What? Using the chart paper posted around the room, on a post-it, identify then post – What have you learned about the STP; – & what you are most apprehensive about when using the STP…

18 Thank You for Your Time! Queenie Dalcoe Van Robinson

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