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1 English Language Development in the era of Common Core Spring RESA Session 2013
Disclaimer: Some of the slides/information are from WIDA. Per WIDA, DO NOT POST THESE MATERIALS TO PUBLIC WEBSITES OR FORUMS.

2 Agenda 9:00 – 9:30 Welcome and Introduction 9:30 – 10:30
CCSS/WIDA Project Overview and Getting Familiar with MPIs (Group Activities) 10:30 – 12:00 Working Group/Debrief/Sharing (Feedback on project deliverables – grade level specific) 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 2:15 Working Group/Debrief/Sharing (Feedback on project deliverables – vertical alignment) 2:15 – 2:30 Break 2:30 – 3:30 Working Group (Creating MPIs, 4th CCSS ELA) 3:30 – 4:00 Debrief and Next Steps

3 Introductions Tell us about yourself! Name LEA Position
Common Core English Language Arts and ELL Connection in your LEA

4 Housekeeping Sign-in Parking Lot Breaks/Lunch Norms

5 Appreciation for one another Exchange ideas freely
Can We Agree? Appreciation for one another Exchange ideas freely Influence what we can Opportunity to reflect Unite in purpose

6 Goals for Spring RESA Sessions
Provide overview of CCSS/WIDA Project. Familiarize with MPIs. Elicit feedback on project deliverables (grade level/vertical alignment). Create MPIs for ELA, grade 4. Determine how to apply new knowledge in LEAs.

WIDA/CCSS ELA Task Force Creating MPIs based on CCSS ELA Objectives Grades Covered K, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 11-12 New Task Force membership invitation

8 Timeline October 12, 2012 Initial Meeting October – December, 2012
Pre-Work Webinars (Resources Sharing) December 18 – 19, 2012 MPI Writing January 11, 2013 MPI Writing (ELA Partnership) February – March, 2013 (RESA) Vetting Process April – August, 2013 MPI Revisions and Writing September 30, 2013* Items Released On-going Feedback from the field * This date may be subject to change.

9 Resources WIDA 2012 Amplified Standards & Academic Language Resources
Common Core ELA (Text Complexity) and WIDA Connections Disciplinary Literacy Resources Productive Talk about Complex Text (Scrolling PowerPoint Slides)

10 WIKI Resources compiled from
Aspen Institute Council of Great City Schools WIDA 2012 WIDA Debut Conference DPI Disciplinary Literacy Online Module

11 Getting Familiar with MPIs

12 Organization of MPIs within Standards Example: Social & Instructional; Grades 6-8

13 Organization of MPIs within Standards
STRAND When we have a developmental horizontal row of MPI’s, across the 5 levels of language proficiency, and within the same domain, it is called a Strand. 13 13

14 The Content Stem/Topic
Model Performance Indicators Language Function Support Make lists of real-world examples of three-dimensional shapes from labeled models This slide summarizes the MPI components. The Content Stem/Topic Standard 3: The language of Mathematics Grade Level Cluster: 3-5

15 Model Performance Indicators
Provide examples (models) of assessable language skills. Reflect the second language acquisition process. Describe how students can use the language (purpose). Relate to specific criteria and elements of academic language. Provide the anchors for curriculum, instruction, and assessment. WIDA Consortium

16 The MPI: Language Function

17 Language Function Describes how language is used; not the cognitive task Guides the language features that students should recognize or be able to produce May be used across several different levels, though the language features associated at specific levels may be different WIDA Consortium

18 The MPI: Content Stem

19 Content Stem Helps ground language instruction to the content that students are learning Relates to state or local content standards Is grade level appropriate WIDA Consortium

20 The MPI: Support or Strategy

21 Support or Strategy May be visual, graphic or interactive
Are based on the concept of scaffolding new language and concepts May include use of languages other than English Are appropriate for instruction or assessment WIDA Consortium

22 Language Function = “Describe”
WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

23 Content Stem/Example Topic = “objects of the earth or sky”
WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

24 Support = “from observation, photographs or models”
Support or Strategy Support = “from observation, photographs or models” WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

25 Elements of MPI WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

26 Getting Familiar with MPIs – Activity 1
Place the written MPIs in order under the appropriate language domains

27 WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech
Transformation of MPI WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

28 WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

29 WIDA Consortium / CAL / Metritech

30 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels
Use words or phrases related to weather from pictures or photographs The criteria used to determine the proficiency level definitions are couched in terms of the language used in schools to impart content area information. Issues of linguistic complexity and semantic & pragmatic knowledge are brought to bear in formulating the definitions. At the two lower proficiency levels, it is assumed that ELLs would need extra linguistic support via graphic and visual aids in order to carry out language functions. This requirement also motivates the use of graphics for test items at these levels. Grade level cluster 1-2

31 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels
Make statements about weather from pictures or photographs The criteria used to determine the proficiency level definitions are couched in terms of the language used in schools to impart content area information. Issues of linguistic complexity and semantic & pragmatic knowledge are brought to bear in formulating the definitions. At the two lower proficiency levels, it is assumed that ELLs would need extra linguistic support via graphic and visual aids in order to carry out language functions. This requirement also motivates the use of graphics for test items at these levels. Grade level cluster 1-2

32 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels
Ask questions about weather from pictures or photographs The criteria used to determine the proficiency level definitions are couched in terms of the language used in schools to impart content area information. Issues of linguistic complexity and semantic & pragmatic knowledge are brought to bear in formulating the definitions. At the two lower proficiency levels, it is assumed that ELLs would need extra linguistic support via graphic and visual aids in order to carry out language functions. This requirement also motivates the use of graphics for test items at these levels. Grade level cluster 1-2

33 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels
Forecast weather and provide reasons from pictures or photographs The criteria used to determine the proficiency level definitions are couched in terms of the language used in schools to impart content area information. Issues of linguistic complexity and semantic & pragmatic knowledge are brought to bear in formulating the definitions. At the two lower proficiency levels, it is assumed that ELLs would need extra linguistic support via graphic and visual aids in order to carry out language functions. This requirement also motivates the use of graphics for test items at these levels. Grade level cluster 1-2

34 Language Functions Across Proficiency Levels
Evaluate and weigh options related to weather forecasting The criteria used to determine the proficiency level definitions are couched in terms of the language used in schools to impart content area information. Issues of linguistic complexity and semantic & pragmatic knowledge are brought to bear in formulating the definitions. At the two lower proficiency levels, it is assumed that ELLs would need extra linguistic support via graphic and visual aids in order to carry out language functions. This requirement also motivates the use of graphics for test items at these levels. Grade level cluster 1-2

35 Change in Function Grade Level: 1-2 Standard: 5
Language Domain: Writing (From Compare to Evaluate) Compare attributes of two products in the marketplace from illustrated examples Evaluate attributes of two products in the marketplace from illustrated examples WIDA Consortium

36 Change in Content Grade Level: 6-8 Standard: 4
Language Domain: Reading (From Cycles/Processes to Ecosystems) Predict consequences of alteration of cycles or processes from grade-level text Predict consequences of alteration of ecosystems from grade-level text WIDA Consortium

37 Change in Support Grade Level: 6-8 Standard: 4
Language Domain: Speaking (From with a partner to based on graphic support or pictures) Outline steps of scientific inquiry involving elements or compounds with a partner Outline steps of scientific inquiry involving elements or compounds based on graphic support or pictures WIDA Consortium

38 Transform Multiple MPI Elements
Example Topics Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Level 6- Reaching Speaking 2008 USA Presidential Election Identify historical figures or events associated with the 2008 Presidential Election from photographs or illustrations in small groups Describe historical figures or events associated with the 2008 Presidential Election from photographs, illustrations, or videos in small groups Role-play scenes from historical events or lives of figures associated with the 2008 Presidential Election in small groups Re-enact historical events or lives of figures associated with the 2008 Presidential Election from varied perspectives with peers (e.g., presidential debates) Give monologues simulating historical events or figures associated with the 2008 Presidential Election (e.g., scenes in plays) Language Function Content Stem Any or all MPI elements can be transformed to accommodate different language expectations, content or supports. Facilitator models this for participants. Supports WIDA Consortium

39 WIDA Checklist for Reviewing Strands of MPIs
Page RG 39 from 2007 WIDA Resource Book WIDA

40 Getting Familiar with MPIs – Activity 2
Create MPIs by completing the table.

41 Getting Familiar with MPIs – Activity 3
Write your own MPI using the template. Your choice of grade level Your choice of content (Language of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, or Science)

42 Writing a Strand of Performance Indicators
Content Standard Cognitive Demand Transformed PI Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

43 Provide feedback on project deliverables
Working Group Session 1 Provide feedback on project deliverables Grade level specific

44 Suggested Modifications
Grade Suggested Usage Questions Suggested Modifications Comments/ Possible Resources Next Steps Actual Draft MPIs will be laminated for review.

45 Lunch

46 Provide feedback on project deliverables
Working Group Session 2 Provide feedback on project deliverables Vertical Alignment

47 Suggested Modifications
Grade Suggested Usage Questions Suggested Modifications Comments/ Possible Resources Next Steps Actual Draft MPIs will be laminated for review.

48 Common Core English Language Arts Grade 4
Working Group Session 3 Create MPIs based on Common Core English Language Arts Grade 4


50 MPI Transformation in Action
AP Engineering created by a High School CTE teacher

51 #4 (Writing) Explain and justify which scientific invention has been the most useful by writing a comic to support your ideas (i.e., next slide). Standards Reference: Framework: Summative Standard 4: The language of Science Science Standard: Grades (6-8): Intro to Engineering Design Standard: 2.4 Advanced Designs (9-12) Grade level cluster: 6-8 Language domain: Writing English language proficiency level: 1- Entering Example Topic: Scientific Inventions or discoveries

52 Comic Writing Activity
Students will choose an invention from the following list, or one of their own they feel is the most important. The students will then create a comic to represent its importance. Students at level 1 may not have many words in their comic, but they will be able to express themselves through pictures. The teacher may also help this process by asking questions like, “What does this invention do?” “Has this invention helped anything else?” The teacher may then go back and have them add words to their comics. Teachers may also include words that describe inventions for the students to use in their comics. Microscope 2. medicine 3. X-Ray machine 4. telescope 5. computers 6. the internet 7. plastic 8. airplanes 9. Cars 10.batteries 11. light bulb 12. electricity

53 Higher Level Thinking Follow Up Activity
The students will then have to research the invention they chose for their comic and create and present a power point presentation that defends why it is the most important scientific invention to their classmates. The students could create an invention that would help solve a typical teenager problem.

54 Debrief and Next Steps How would you share what you have gained (process/product) with stake holders? ESL Teachers Content Teachers Administrators (school-based or central office) Parents Community Members including school board

55 Resources WIDA 2012 Amplified Standards & Academic Language Resources
Common Core ELA (Text Complexity) and WIDA Connections Disciplinary Literacy Resources Productive Talk about Complex Text (Scrolling PowerPoint Slides)

56 WIKI Resources compiled from
Aspen Institute Council of Great City Schools WIDA 2012 WIDA Debut Conference DPI Disciplinary Online Module

57 Goals for Spring RESA Sessions
Provide overview of CCSS/WIDA Project. Familiarize with MPIs. Elicit feedback on project deliverables (grade level/vertical alignment). Create MPIs for ELA, grade 4. Determine how to apply new knowledge in LEAs.

58 Presentation Development
Charlotte “Nadja” Trez, NCDPI ESL/Title III Office Ivanna Mann Thrower, NCDPI ESL/Title III Office Lindsey Fults, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (Resources) Deborah Wilkes, Durham County Schools (Resources) NCDPI WIDA/Common Core Task Force

59 What could be done differently!
Process Check What worked well? What could be done differently! Participants provide feedback using post-it notes on the Plus/Delta chart and Parking Lot

60 Charlotte “Nadja” Trez
Contacts Ivanna Mann Thrower ESL/Title III Consultant NC Department of Public Instruction Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL Website

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