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Chapter 24. A+16-17 A-15 B 14 C 12-13 D 10-11 F 0-9.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 24. A+16-17 A-15 B 14 C 12-13 D 10-11 F 0-9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 24

2 A+16-17 A-15 B 14 C 12-13 D 10-11 F 0-9

3 Week Twenty-Four (February 22-25) Day 1 Chapter 24 Quiz Discussion Question Day 2 Human Record / 267-274 –Question to consider. How is Imperialism justified and perceived by different groups. Week Twenty-Five (February 28- March 4) Day 1 Chapter 25 Quiz Day 2 Discuss Comparison Week Twenty-Six (March 8-11) Day 1- Chapter 26 Quiz Day 2- Timed Comparison Essay Week 27 (March 14-18) Day 1- Chapter 27 Due – –DBQ 9 A-39 to A43 Day 2- Exam 21-27

4 Countries Struggling with Modernization Does modernizing mean Westernizing? Was Europe actively involved in trying to prevent you from modernizing Were their any groups in your country preventing the movement towards modernity? Was your countries pride getting in the way of modernizing Did the fear of leaders loosing power hold your country back from modernizing What problems or conflicts occurred in this chapter because a non-modern (non-industrial) country was subjugated by a modern country. To the average person in one of these subjugated countries how might you have perceived Europe, or the leaders of your country?

5 Ottoman Reform Janissaries, noblemen, and religious leaders –fought modernization and reform –Janissary revolt in Serbia in 1805 Greeks gained independence –Eye opener for Ottomans Started Tanzimat –Secular modernization –Elimination of Janissaries –Many were scared of loosing Muslim heritage

6 The Russian Empire –Backwards –Slavophiles vs Westernizers –Tsars fought reforms –Became more autocratic Egypt –Independent after Napoleon –Muhammed Ali Started schools Tried to modernize

7 Crimean War Russia wanted a warm-water port Britain, France, and Ottomans united First modern war –Fast troop movements –Propaganda –Breach loading rifles

8 The Qing Population explosion –resources stretched thin Distrust of government The Opium War 1839–1842 –Europeans were ignored until too late –Treaty of Nanking The Taiping Rebellion –Hong Xiuquan (Jesus’ Brother) –Qing could not stop it- needed European help –20 to 30 million deaths –Foreigners became more active leaders –Commoners began to hate foreigners Qing is seen as foreign puppet



11 Nineteenth-century Qing China suffered from both foreign intrusion and social unrest. –What was the most obvious demonstration of the Chinese people’s dissatisfaction at midcentury? Explain in detail the causes and results of that unrest.. Discussion Question The Janissary revolt in Serbia and the execution of Selim III taught Ottoman leaders that reform had to be more systematic. The Ottoman response was the Tanzimat Reforms. –Describe those reforms and evaluate their effectiveness. Discussion Question

12 The problems that land-based Eurasian empires faced in regard to European sea- based empires were very similar. The solutions they attempted were not. –Compare the situations of the Ottoman and Qing Empires in the nineteenth century and their responses to the European challenge. Comparison Compare the European view of Russia compared to the Ottoman Empire. Why was one considered more “European” than the other? Comparison.

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