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Session 2 Pedagogy in the Social Sciences (Part 1)

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Presentation on theme: "Session 2 Pedagogy in the Social Sciences (Part 1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 2 Pedagogy in the Social Sciences (Part 1)

2 Instructional Strategies in the Social Sciences: A-Z Assigned Questions Brainstorming Book Talks Case Studies Class Discussion (Open-Ended, Guided Questions, Talking Stick Circles) Compare and Contrast Concept Formation / Maps Cooperative Learning Techniques * Debates Didactic Questions (5Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why) Experience Charts Field Trips Four Corners (Strongly Agree – Strongly Disagree) Graphic Organizers

3 Instructional Strategies in the Social Sciences: A-Z Group Research (Assigned Roles) Heterogeneous and Homogenous Grouping Independent Research (Essays, ISU, Projects, etc) Jigsaw Journal Writing K-W-L (Know, Want to Know, Learned) Learning Contracts Lecture Mind Maps Mini Lessons Oratory (Public Speaking & Speech Writing) Panels Parking-Lot Post-It Notes Peer Teaching

4 Instructional Strategies in the Social Sciences: A-Z Personal Reflections PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Problem Solving (Scenarios for Decision Making) QARs (Question and Answer Reviews) Read and Respond Role Playing Seminar Presentations Simulations Stop/Start/Continue Structured Controversy Surveys Think, Pair, Share Tutorial Groups (Reciprocal Teaching) Writing Conferences


6 Grades 7 & 8 History: The Topics In both Grade 7 and Grade 8 History, the expectations are divided into two chronological strands. Grade 7 A. New France and British North America, 1713–1800 B. Canada, 1800–1850: Conflict and Challenges Grade 8 A. Creating Canada, 1850–1890 B. Canada, 1890–1914: A Changing Society

7 The Concepts of Historical Thinking There are four concepts of historical thinking that underpin all thinking and learning in history:  Historical Significance  Cause and Consequence  Continuity and Change  Historical Perspective

8 The Historical Inquiry Process There are variety of ways students can engage in the Historical Inquiry Process:  Formulate Questions  Gather and Organize  Interpret and Analyze  Evaluate and Draw Conclusions  Communicate

9 Grades 7 & 8 Geography: The Topics In both Grade 7 and Grade 8 Geography, the expectations are divided into two chronological strands. Grade 7 A. Physical Patterns in a Changing World B. Natural Resources around the World: Use and Sustainability Grade 8 A. Global Settlement: Patterns and Sustainability B. Global Inequalities: Economic Development and Quality of Life

10 The Concepts of Geographic Thinking There are four concepts of geographic thinking that underpin all thinking and learning in geography:  Spatial Significance  Patterns and Trends  Interrelationships  Geographic Perspective

11 The Geographic Inquiry Process There are variety of ways students can engage in the Geographical Inquiry Process:  Formulate Questions  Gather and Organize  Interpret and Analyze  Evaluate and Draw Conclusions  Communicate

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