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Workshops on how others do it 2 nd Session. Reconnecting rough sleepers with their community of origin Matthew Rothwell, Reconnection Worker Sheena Field,

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Presentation on theme: "Workshops on how others do it 2 nd Session. Reconnecting rough sleepers with their community of origin Matthew Rothwell, Reconnection Worker Sheena Field,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshops on how others do it 2 nd Session

2 Reconnecting rough sleepers with their community of origin Matthew Rothwell, Reconnection Worker Sheena Field, Social Inclusion Manager Look Ahead Housing and Care

3 Introductions You are allowed to talk

4 Learning objectives Setting the scene brief understanding of Look Ahead and homelessness Understand the reasons for reconnection and how it operates

5 Who is Look Ahead? Charitable housing association providing support to 3000 people in greater London Within that 557 bed spaces providing provision to former rough sleepers A number of specialist provisions within that capacity one of which is reconnection

6 Why is reconnection needed? Homeless is not always foreseeable To access accomodation in an authority you require a local connection

7 What is a connection? Where they have had a sustained link to a local community via: Accomodation Employment Claiming benefits Receiving support Family

8 Evolution of reconnection Evolved from early reconnection work that was being undertaken housing research and provided travel to return to local community Attempts to address the route cause of homelessness and prevent future reoccurrences

9 Who uses reconnection? Predominately 25-50 males with support needs that have led to private tenancy breaking down but individual would be deemed as non priority need by local authority

10 How we do it? Provide 10 bed spaces funded by housing benefit Reliant on a willingness to be reconnected although we may work towards educating individuals about reconnection options

11 Assessment tools Conduct a joint assessment on 18 key topics where client and worker views are generated Focus on factors that establish previous connections and potential opportunities

12 Reasons to reconnect Re-establish links with family Move away from street culture Quicker access to services/funding Maintain legal requirements Consistency of support Employment/training opportunities Quicker move on then London hostels

13 Measuring success Measured outcomes Actual number of successful reconnections and time sustained Number of clients refusing to engage with the reconnection process Number of cases where reconnection was not possible due to lack of provision in another local authority area

14 Recent case study Assessment identified: Dual connections Previous support network Substance use ambitions Employment ambitions

15 Past positives Assessment identified non-compliance with probation order Risk of relapse Family conflict Health needs Training needs

16 Localised potential Currently a lot of ex NASS accommodated clients that should be offered reconnection service Protocol can also be applied to other clients

17 Reconnection resources Emergency Accommodation Directory 2006 RIS Day Centres Directory 2007

18 Thoughts for the future Implementation of the London Reconnection Protocol and Cross Authority Agreements Nationwide Consistency of services across UK and EU If unable to reconnect due to lack of provision- invoicing

19 How you can implement it Personalised assessment Allocating adequate time and resources

20 Contact details Matthew Rothwell - Reconnection Worker Sheena Field - Social Inclusion Manager Mark McPherson - Senior Homelessness Manager

21 Questions

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