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 poetry n. [U] 〈總稱〉詩 Not all poetry has rhythm and rhyme.  poetic adj. 〈如〉詩的 poetic justice 善惡分明的報應 〈以文學形式表達揚善抑惡〉 poetic license 詩的破格 * Not every both.

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Presentation on theme: " poetry n. [U] 〈總稱〉詩 Not all poetry has rhythm and rhyme.  poetic adj. 〈如〉詩的 poetic justice 善惡分明的報應 〈以文學形式表達揚善抑惡〉 poetic license 詩的破格 * Not every both."— Presentation transcript:


2  poetry n. [U] 〈總稱〉詩 Not all poetry has rhythm and rhyme.  poetic adj. 〈如〉詩的 poetic justice 善惡分明的報應 〈以文學形式表達揚善抑惡〉 poetic license 詩的破格 * Not every both … 部份否定 all

3  nature n. [U] 自然 the law of nature 自然法則 Nature does nothing in vain. 天生我才必有用。 Let’s enjoy the beauty of nature. * in vain 徒勞無功

4  natural adj. 自然的 Those natural products are in great demand. Just visit that area of outstanding natural beauty.

5  outdoors adv. 戶外 (  indoors ) I like to sit outdoors in the sun. She went outdoors in the rain.  outdoor adj. 戶外的 (  indoor ) There are outdoor cafés on every street block.

6  a dairy farmer 酪農業主  a wheat farmer 小麥農  farm n. 農場;飼養場 run a farm 經營農場 a chicken farm 養雞場 a pearl farm 珍珠養殖場

7  farm vt.; vi. 耕作;飼養 They farmed some of the best land in Scotland.

8  minor adj. 小的;較少的 a minor problem / change / accident / role / fault a matter or minor importance  minority n. [C] 少數〈派〉 Girls are in the minority in this school.

9  wish n. [C] 願望 Close your eyes and make a wish as you blow out the candles. Your wish is my command. * Your wish is my command. = I will do whatever you want.

10  wishful adj. 渴望的 wishful thinking 如意算盤;癡心妄想 It is wishful thinking to assume that he will give us a helping hand.

11  clap vt. 拍〈手〉;拍打;急速地移動 He clapped her on the back. clap a door shut 砰地一聲把門關上  clap vi. 拍手;發出啪、砰聲 The audience clapped enthusiastically. The door clapped shut. * V + 人 + prep + the + 身體部位

12  clap n. [C] 掌聲 ;拍手 The dancer deserves a good clap for her great performance.

13  bear vt. 忍受 (bear, bore, borne) I can’t bear to watch / watching the children suffer. I can’t bear that she should suffer so.  bearable adj. 可忍受的 (  unbearable ) It’s burning hot, but the cool breeze makes it bearable. *hot 之前的修飾語, 常為 Ving 型式. buring heating hot scortching

14  blame…for sth 因某事責怪 … He is to blame for the accident. The hot weather is mainly to blame for the water shortage.  blame sth on sb / sth blame the fire on faulty wiring / the firebug * S is to blame. = S is to be blamed.

15  blame n. [U] 責備 lay / put / place the blame on sb 怪罪某人 take / get / bear the blame for sth 承擔某事的責任

16  keep / maintain / break silence 保持/打破沉默  In complete / total / shocked / stunned / dead silence  keep / remain silent  silently adv. 沉默地;安靜地 The boy followed me silently.

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