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Marks “From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Gal. 6:17 “...branded on my body...” ASV.

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Presentation on theme: "Marks “From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Gal. 6:17 “...branded on my body...” ASV."— Presentation transcript:

1 marks “From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.” Gal. 6:17 “...branded on my body...” ASV

2 without Persecution from without Acts 9:22-25 14:19 2 Cor. 11:23-27 within Persecution from within Acts 15 2 Cor. 11:26 I. Troubles for Paul

3 Some Ideas... X - Greek for Christ Eye trouble Tattoo mark II. Marks suffered by Paul

4 Best and most logical view Scars in his body Scourged, stoned, beaten Acts 14:19 2 Cor. 11:23-27 II. Marks suffered by Paul 40-1=39 Stripes - 5 times 40-1=39 39 x 5 = 195 Scars

5 2 Cor. 4:10-11 Would you be a Christian if you knew you would be beaten, stoned and imprisoned ? 2 Tim. 3:12 II. Marks suffered by Paul Scars

6 God is Love - 1 Jn. 4:8 Jesus is image of God - Heb. 1:3 Matt. 22:37-39 - love God 1 John 5:3 - obey Love one another - 1 Jn. 4:20 III. Other Marks of Jesus 1. Love Paul bore this mark In his body and life

7 Luke 4:16 - His custom John 2:13-17 - spoke against the traditions of men Instruments not authorized III. Other Marks of Jesus 2. Worship Paul bore this mark In his body and life

8 Mark 10:16 - children Luke 7:36-38 - Pharisee Mt. 28:18-20 Mark 16:15-16 Heb. 5:12 III. Other Marks of Jesus 3. Teaching Paul bore this mark In his body and life

9 Luke 18:1 - men ought always to pray Luke 6:12-16 - choosing apostles If Christ needed to pray.... 1 Thes. 5:17 Rom. 10:1 III. Other Marks of Jesus 4. Prayer Paul bore this mark In his body and life

10 2 Cor. 8:9 - became poor that we might be rich Rom. 12:1 “ sacrifice” Paul gave his whole self to the work III. Other Marks of Jesus 5.Sacrifice Paul bore this mark In his body and life

11 Lk. 22:42 “not my will but thine” Heb. 5:8-9 Luke 6:46 Paul was obedient to God’s will III. Other Marks of Jesus 6.Obedience Paul bore this mark In his body and life

12 Scars 1.Love2.Worship3.Teaching4.Prayer5.Sacrifice6.Obedience

13 Scars 1.Love2.Worship3.Teaching4.Prayer5.Sacrifice6.Obedience “...for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 21:13

14 “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” 1 Cor. 11:1 Do you have the marks of Jesus in your life in your life ?

15 By Arthur PigmanBy Arthur Pigman Evans Church of ChristEvans Church of Christ Evans, GeorgiaEvans, Georgia Sunday Morning – 1 May 2005Sunday Morning – 1 May 2005

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