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 WORD OF THE DAY #1 Abhor ab·hor [ab- hawr] v: Hate Find repugnant; detest; loathe; reject. While I absolutely abhor his views, he has a right to them.

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Presentation on theme: " WORD OF THE DAY #1 Abhor ab·hor [ab- hawr] v: Hate Find repugnant; detest; loathe; reject. While I absolutely abhor his views, he has a right to them."— Presentation transcript:

1  WORD OF THE DAY #1 Abhor ab·hor [ab- hawr] v: Hate Find repugnant; detest; loathe; reject. While I absolutely abhor his views, he has a right to them.

2  WORD OF THE DAY #2 Abolish [ uh- bol-ish] v: Put an end to or do away with Destroy, annihilate, dissolve, disappear, prohibit, erase, cancel, negate, vanish

3  Who Are You? ON FRONT: First, Last Name ON BACK: 1.When is your birthday? 2.What is your cell phone number? 3. What is your email address? 4. What school did you go to last year? 5. What is something interesting about you? or What is your favorite thing you own?

4  Who Are You? 1. Exchange with your partner your information-name, cell number and email and info on index card. 2. Partner A shares first, Partner B writes it down in planner. 3. SWITCH- Partner B shares, Partner A writes it down in planner. 4. Pass up to Ms. Tran index cards. 5. Ms. Tran will ask questions to survey the class.

5  3 Circle Maps: Plot/Conflict/Time p.2-3 Directions: Draw and Circle/Tree Map for Plot. See Class Example MLA Citation (Author Page #) Summarize circle maps in one paragraph (4-7 sentences)

6  WORD OF THE DAY #3 Abominable [uh-bom-uh-nuh-buhl] adj. : Extremely unpleasant or disgusting 1. repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome: an abominable crime. 2. very unpleasant; disagreeable: The weather was abominable last week. 3. very bad, poor, or inferior: They have abominable taste in clothes.

7  3 Circle Maps: Plot/Conflict/Time p.2-3 Summarize circle maps in one paragraph (4-7 sentences) Title (Title of work) by Author describes _____________________________________. One example of ______________________is ___________________________. Another example of _________________is _______________________________. Examples of ______________________are_______________________________. Components (Characteristics) of _____________ are ________________________. Components of __________include _____________and_____________________. Indicators of __________are defined by _______________________________________. The information about _________________can help me understand_____________________. __________________are characterized by several features, such as:____________________. ___________________can be understood from multiple perspectives. For example, __________________.

8  Plot Diagram p.3 Draw a plot diagram identifying the BASIC SITUATION, 2 EVENTS, COMPLICATION, CLIMAX, AND A RESOLUTION. *Write a possible FLASHBACK/FLASH-FORWARD. Listen to the story of the Three Little Pigs by Joseph Jacobs and describe each literary element. Three Little Pigs Basic Situation/Exposition : Three little pigs (brothers) want to build homes and live a peaceful life. Complication: Wolf wants to eat the pigs (brothers) and blows their houses down. Event 1: Pig 1 builds a house out of straw and the Wolf blows his house down. Event 2 : Pig 2 builds a house out of sticks and the Wolf blows his house down. Climax: Pig 3 builds a house out of brick and the Wolf is unable to blow his house down. Falling Action : The Wolf goes down the chimney to eat the Pig, but falls into a cauldron and dies. Resolution/Denouement : Pig lives peacefully in his house happily ever after. Write summary. Use same sentence frame from previous slide.

9  WORD OF THE DAY #4 Absorb [ab- sawrb, -zawrb ] v. : Take in Consume, ingest, soak up

10  3 Plot Diagram p.2-3 Summarize the plot diagram from the Three Little Pigs by Joseph Jacobs (5-7 sentences). Title (Title of work) by Author describes _____________________________________. One example of ______________________is ___________________________. Another example of _________________is _______________________________. Examples of ______________________are_______________________________. Components (Characteristics) of _____________ are ________________________. Components of __________include _____________and_____________________. Indicators of __________are defined by _______________________________________. The information about _________________can help me understand_____________________. __________________are characterized by several features, such as:____________________. ___________________can be understood from multiple perspectives. For example, __________________.

11  WORD OF THE DAY #5 Acclaim [ uh- kleym] v. : Receive strong approval; applaud Approval, acknowledgment, praise, honor, rave, recognition

12  3 Plot Diagram p.2-3 Summarize the plot diagram from the Three Little Pigs by Joseph Jacobs (5-7 sentences). “Title” (Title of work) by Author describes _____________________________________. One example of ______________________is ___________________________. Another example of _________________is _______________________________. Examples of ______________________are_______________________________. Components (Characteristics) of _____________ are ________________________. Components of __________include _____________and_____________________. Indicators of __________are defined by _______________________________________. The information about _________________can help me understand_____________________. __________________are characterized by several features, such as:____________________. ___________________can be understood from multiple perspectives. For example, __________________.

13  Plot Diagram p.3 Draw a plot diagram identifying the BASIC SITUATION, 5 EVENTS, COMPLICATION, CLIMAX, AND A RESOLUTION. Read the story of Cinderella and describe each literary element. Best group presentation wins a prize. Cinderella Basic Situation/Exposition : Complication: Event 1:Event 2: Event 3 : Event 4: Event 5: Climax: Resolution/Denouement : Write summary. Use same sentence frame from previous slide.

14  WORD OF THE DAY #6 Acquiesce [ak-wee-es ] v. : Accept; comply with (often used with in, sometimes used with to ) Agree, accept, allow, consent, accede, without protest Donald had to acquiesce halfheartedly in a business plan. Donald was in acquiesce with the arranged marriage.

15  WORD OF THE DAY #7 Admonish [ad-mon-ish]] v. : Scold mildly warn, strongly criticize.

16  Plot Diagram p.3 Basic Situation/Exposition : Cinderella is mistreated by her step-sister and step-mother. Event 1:They were all invited to the ball. Event 2:The stepsisters keep Cinderella busy all day. Complication: Cinderella can’t go to the ball because she has nothing to wear. Event 3 : Her fairy godmother magically creates a gown and carriage for her but warns her to be home by midnight. Event 4:The Prince and Cinderella dance all night until the stroke of midnight and Cinderella runs away, leaving the glass slipper behind. Event 5:The Prince goes around the countryside asking every maiden to try on the glass slipper. Climax: Cinderella fits the glass slipper. Resolution/Denouement : The prince and Cinderella marry and live happily ever after. Write summary. Use same sentence frame from previous slide.

17  3 Plot Diagram p.3 Summarize the plot diagram from Cinderella by Charles Perrault (5-7 sentences). “Title” (Title of work) by Author describes _____________________________________. One example of ______________________is ___________________________. Another example of _________________is _______________________________. Examples of ______________________are_______________________________. Components (Characteristics) of _____________ are ________________________. Components of __________include _____________and_____________________. Indicators of __________are defined by _______________________________________. The information about _________________can help me understand_____________________. __________________are characterized by several features, such as:____________________. ___________________can be understood from multiple perspectives. For example, __________________.

18  WORD OF THE DAY #8 Admonition [ad-m uh- nish-uhn] n. : Scolding, warning Advice, counsel, caution

19  WORD OF THE DAY #9 Adorn [ uh- dawrn] v. : Add beauty to, decorate Spruce up, beautify, deck, enhance

20  WORD OF THE DAY #10 Adulation [aj- uh- ley-shuhn] n. : Intense or excessive admiration or praise applause, fawning, worship, flattery, commendation

21  WORD OF THE DAY #11 Adversary [ad-ver-ser-ee] n. : Enemy; opponent competitor, contender, foe, match, opponent, rival

22  WORD OF THE DAY #11 Adversary [ad-ver-ser-ee] n. : Enemy; opponent competitor, contender, foe, match, opponent, rival

23  WORD OF THE DAY #12 Adversity [ad- vur-si-tee ] n. : Hardship, a great misfortune Catastrophe, crunch, difficulty, disaster, hard times

24  WORD OF THE DAY #13 Advocate [ad-vuh-kate] v. support; argue in favor of Advocate [ad-vuh-kit] n. : Supporter Promote, encourage

25  Turn to page 26-27 Can Animals Think? You are a researcher-Ask questions. Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

26  WORD OF THE DAY #14 Affluent [ af-loo- uhnt or, often, uh- floo-] adj. Wealthy Very rich, prosperous, loaded, well-off, well-to-do

27  Denotation is the specific, literal image, idea or concept. Connotation is the figurative cultural assumptions that the image implies or suggests. It involves emotional overtones, subjective interpretation, socio-cultural values, and ideological assumptions. Examples: Stop Sign Denotation—Stop (even without words, we recognize the meaning from the shape and color) Connotation—Risk (accident or ticket) Health club ad Denotation—fit person in foreground --> you could look like this Connotation—fit person in background --> you could pick up a date like this in our club

28  Turn to page 31 Vocabulary Development Connotation and Denotation

29  Turn to page 25 Vocabulary Development Suffix and Prefix

30  WORD OF THE DAY #15 Aghast [ uh- gast] adj. Terrified, horrified Afraid, alarmed, confounded, dismayed, shocked, stunned, terrified, astonished, frightened

31  WORD OF THE DAY #16 Agile [ aj- uhl] adj. Move with ease Easy-moving, spry, swift, clever

32  WORD OF THE DAY #17 Allegiance [ uh- lee-juhns] loyalty, devotion dedication, duty, faithfulness, ardor

33  WORD OF THE DAY #18 Aloof [uh-loof] adj. At a distance; unfriendly Reserved, secluded, withdrawn, unconcerned

34  WORD OF THE DAY #19 Annihilate [ uh- nahy-uh-leyt] v. Destroy completely Damage, crush, demolish

35  WORD OF THE DAY #20 Ardor [ ahr-der ] n. Passion; enthusiasm devotion, fervor, fierceness, gusto, heat, fire, intensity

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