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My Cell Book.

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Presentation on theme: "My Cell Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Cell Book

2 The Cell Theory All known living things are made up of cells.
The cell is structural & functional unit of all living things. All cells come from pre-existing cells by division.

3 Levels of Organization
Atom Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Organism

4 Example: like a big plastic bag with tiny holes in it
CELL MEMBRANE holds the cell together keeps all of the pieces (like the organelles and the cytoplasm) inside the cell controls what goes in and out of the cell Example: like a big plastic bag with tiny holes in it

5 CYTOPLASM Cytoplasm - gel-like substance inside the cell that all of the organelles float around in.

6 Nucleus The “brain” of the cell Controls all of the
cellular activities DNA is inside the nucleus

7 Mitochondria Mito = Mighty / Power The Power-House of the cell
They break down food molecules so the cell has the energy to live If a cell needs a lot of energy…it will have more mitochondria

8 Endoplasmic Reticulum
also known as the “ER” a maze of membranes that transports materials inside of the cell There are two different Smooth ER Rough ER

9 GOLGI APPARATUS Also called the Golgi Complex or Golgi body
Combines simple molecules into larger molecules Packages molecules for transport in the cytoplasm

10 Ribosomes they are the site of protein synthesis in cells
they are made in the nucleus of the cell A ribosome can make the average protein in about one minute There are two types – 1) attached to ER and 2) free floating

11 LYSOSOMES They digest food taken in by the cell
They break down damaged or worn-out organelles Destroy the cell if it accidentally breaks open – “suicide sacs”

12 Cell Wall Layer around the outside of the cell membrane of plant cells that provides the cell with extra support and protection.

13 VACUOLE Storage of water, waste or food….like a backpack

14 Chloroplast the site of photosynthesis in eukaryotic cells
where sunlight energy is converted into chemical energy

15 Plant vs. Animal Cell

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