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2 Final Exam Details Friday, December 7rd. 12:00 p.m. HERE!
Final exam is 25% of your total grade. Approximately 8-10 questions from each chapter.

3 Chapter 1 5 principles Politics Instrumental Government Autocracy
Oligarchy Democracy Authoritarian Totalitarian Institutions Jurisdiction Agenda Power Veto power Principal-agent Transaction costs Collective action Free riding Public good Delegation Selective benefits Path dependency

4 Chapter 2 Articles of Confederation Great compromise
Three-fifths compromise Bicameralism Expressed power Necessary and proper Judicial review Supremacy clause Separation of powers Federalism Bill of Rights Checks and Balances Tyranny

5 Chapter 3 Sovereignty Reserved powers Implied powers Police power
Concurrent powers Full faith and credit Privileges and immunities Dual federalism Commerce clause Cooperative federalism Grants-in-aid Categorical grants Unfunded mandates Formula grants Block grants States’ rights Legislative supremacy Divided government Executive privilege Habeas corpus

6 Chapter 4 Civil liberties Miranda rule Establishment clause Lemon test
Free exercise clause Clear and present danger Speech plus Prior restraint Right to privacy Libel Slander Fighting words Due process Exclusionary rule Grand jury Double jeopardy Eminent domain

7 Chapter 5 Civil rights Equal protection clause Separate but equal
De jure segregation De facto segregation Intermediate scrutiny Affirmative action Ledbetter v Goodyear Tire Franklin V Gwinnet County Public Schools Brown v Board of Education Law v Nichols Mendez v Westminster Grutter v Bollinger Lawrence v Texas Roe v Wade Plessy v Ferguson

8 Chapter 6 Constituency Delegate Trustee Incumbency Patronage Case work
Pork-barrel Gerrymandering Party conference Speaker of the house Majority/minority leader Standing Committee Executive agreement Gatekeeping Conference Committee Oversight Agency loss Closed Rule Open Rule Filibuster Cloture Pocket veto Party vote Roll call votes Whips Logrolling Impeachment

9 Chapter 7 Caucus system Delegated powers Inherent powers
Commander in chief War Powers Resolution Executive privilege Veto Line-item veto Legislative initiative Executive order Cabinet White House staff Kitchen cabinet Executive Office of the President Signing statement

10 Chapter 8 Bureaucracy Implementation Rule making
Administrative adjudication Clientele agency Regulatory agency Administrative legislation Fiscal Policy Monetary policy Federal Reserve Bureaucratic drift Oversight Deregulation Devolution Privatization

11 Chapter 9 Standing Mootness Writ of certiorari Amicus curiae
Criminal law Civil law Precedent Stare decisis Public law Trial court Appellate court Supreme court Jurisdiction Due process Chief justice Senatorial courtesy Standing Mootness Writ of certiorari Amicus curiae Oral argument Opinion Judicial restraint Judicial activism Rule of four Class-action suit

12 Chapter 10 Public opinion Political socialization
Agents of socilization Gender gap Liberal Conservative Agenda-setting effect Priming Framing Public opinion poll Sample Probability sampling Random digit dialing Selection bias Sampling error Measurement error Push polling Salient interest Illusion of salience Bandwagon effect

13 Chapter 11 Adverse selection Moral hazard Australian ballot
Single-member district Electoral college Plurality rule Majority rule Proportional representation Duverger’s Law Political action committee Referendum Initiative Recall Party identification Issue voting Prospective voting Retrospective voting Spatial issue Median-voter theorem Valence issue

14 Chapter 12 Political Party Nomination Closed primary Open primary
Majority party Party identification Party activist Gender gap Political caucus Party machine Third party Single-member district Multiple-member district

15 Chapter 13 Interest group Pluralism PAC Informational benefits
Material benefits Political entrepeneur Prisoner’s dilemma Solidary benefits Purposive benefits Lobbying Going public Initiative Selective benefits

16 Chapter 14 Equal time rule Right of rebuttal Fairness doctrine
Prior restraint Citizen journalism New York Times v Sullivan Hard/Soft news FCC Press release Leaks

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