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Presentation on theme: "CENTRE FOR MOBILITY AND EU PROGRAMMES Preparatory phase."— Presentation transcript:


2 MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND SPORTS AND CENTRE FOR MOBILITY AND EU PROGRAMMES Close cooperation between the Ministry of science, education and sports, which is undertaking all the necessary steps for the establishment of the Centre for mobility and EU programmes, and the Centre itself Currently the basic preconditions for the establishment are being met:

3 PRECONDITIONS The adequate premises have been provided Candidates with adequate education and linguistic capacities are being selected The equipment necessary for operations has also been provided – infrastructure criteria are also being met Adequate funding by the Ministry has been ensured – financial gurantees

4 Preparatory measures After the basic preconditions are met, the preparatory measures directed and managed by the European Commission take place The preparatory measures (accreditation procedure) consists of three phases: 1. Training of the employees 2. Informating the beneficiaries 3. Pilot projects

5 DOCUMENTS In cooperation with the Ministry, the Centre for the mobility and EU programmes has created the document defining the stucture of the Centre and the classification of workplaces The Centre has also participated in the creation of the draft of the Act on the establishment of the NA for the implementation of the LLP Other internal documents, regulating the operation, obligations and responsibilities of the Centre are being drafted

6 STUDY VISIT TO CMEPIUS Help of the Slovenian colleagues from CMEPIUS, (Slovenian agency for the implementation of the LLP) with their advice, experience and comments we are using this opportunity to thank them for their assistance in our first steps towards the creation of the Croatian NA

7 Other activities Participation in various seminars and workshops (organized by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European integration, Ministry of Finance, ERI SEE – Education reform initiative for South eastern Europe) MATRA project proposal TAIEX project proposal Cooperation with the Institute for international relations – First Regional Forum of the EU IMPACT Project - impacts of EU Accession in the Field of Education Participation in MOBIL project?

8 The end Thank you for your attention!

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