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DO NOW Take out your homework from last night (defs and pos) and leave out on your desk so I can come around and check it. Complete the 3rd page of the.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Take out your homework from last night (defs and pos) and leave out on your desk so I can come around and check it. Complete the 3rd page of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Take out your homework from last night (defs and pos) and leave out on your desk so I can come around and check it. Complete the 3rd page of the Vocabulary Building packet. Copy your homework into your agenda. Read the AIM. AIM: To learn some of the vocabulary in The Pearl to help us with reading comprehension.

2 The Pearl Vocabulary Lists 1-4

3 List #5 (which is List #1 for The Pearl) Chapters 1 and 2

4 Parable Noun A short fictitious story that teaches a lesson or moral Synonyms: fable, allegory Antonyms: none

5 Plaintive Adjective Expressing suffering or woe Synonyms: agonized, heartbroken, lamentable, mournful, sorrowful, rueful, woeful Antonyms: cheerful, happy

6 Avarice Noun Excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain Syn: covetousness, greediness Ant: generosity, philanthropy

7 Indigent Adjective Suffering from extreme poverty Syn: broke, destitute, poor Ant: affluent, rich, wealthy

8 Suppliant Both Noun and Adj Noun: someone who pleads or solicits Adjective: pleading, beseeching, imploring, begging

9 Estuary noun An inlet of the sea SYN: channel ANT: none

10 Bulwark Noun Thing or person who shields or defends SYN: guard, stronghold, barrier ANT: weakness, weak point

11 undulating Adjective Wavy in motion or appearance SYN: billowy, rolling ANT: straight, flat, untwisted Verb To rise and fall in waves

12 Speculative Adjective In a thoughtful, evaluating way SYN: contemplative, deep in thought ANT: unreflective, disregarding

13 Incandescence Noun Brilliant gleam; bright glow SYN: radiance, shine, luminescence ANT: darkness, dullness

14 List #6 (which is List #2 for The Pearl) Words found throughout Chapter 3

15 benediction Noun something that promotes goodness or well-being SYN: blessing ANT: curse

16 clamor Noun A loud, continuous noise SYN: outcry, roar ANT: quiet, silence

17 consecrate Adjective Dedicated for a sacred purpose SYN: blessed, holy, hallowed ANT: unhallowed, unconsecrated

18 cozen Verb To mislead, win over, or to make someone do something by smooth trickery SNY: bamboozle, beguile, deceive, trick ANT: undeceive, reveal, expose

19 dissemble Verb To hide under a false appearance To conceal facts, intentions, or feelings SYN: assume, bluff, pretend ANT: none

20 furtive Adjective Sly; done by stealth SYN: sneaky, shady, shifty ANT: open, public

21 lucent Adj Glowing with light; luminous SYN: crystal-clear, bright, transparent ANT: cloudy, opaque

22 precipitate Verb To bring about abruptly; to throw violently; to hurl No syn and ant

23 semblance Noun Outward appearance SYN: disguise, act, façade, front

24 subjugate Verb To bring someone/something under your control SYN: subdue, conquer, dominate ANT: emancipate, liberate

25 List #7 (which is List #3 in The Pearl) Words found in Chapters 4 and 5

26 benign Adjective Showing kindness or gentleness Harmless SYN: inoffensive; innocuous, safe ANT: dangerous, damaging, injurious

27 coagulate Verb To become thick or to gather into a mass SYN: clot, congeal Near ANT: liquefy; melt

28 collusion Noun secret agreement or cooperation, especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose SYN: conspiracy NO ANTONYMS

29 countenance Noun: expression or look on one’s face Verb: to give approval or to sanction

30 edifice Noun A large building or structure SYN: cathedral, palace, tower NO ANT

31 keen (appears “keening” in the text) Verb to make a loud and long cry of sorrow SYN: lament, mourn, wail, moan ANT: crow, rejoice

32 lethargy Noun Abnormal drowsiness The state of being lazy, indifferent, or sluggish SYN: languor, lassitude, listlessness, stuporlanguorlassitude listlessnessstupor ANT: vigor, vitality, vivacity

33 searing Adjective very hot marked by extreme intensity SYN: fervent, boiling, scalding ANT: arctic, glacial

34 spurn (appears “spurned” in the text) Verb 1: to tread sharply or heavily upon SYN: trample Verb 2: to reject with disdain or contempt SYN: scorn, reject ANT: accept, agree

35 stalwart Adjective marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit SYN: courageous, dauntless ANT: chicken-hearted, cowardly, spineless

36 List #8 (which is List #4 of The Pearl) Words found throughout Ch. 6

37 escarpment Noun Steep cliff SYN: bluff, precipice No ANT

38 intercession Noun The making of please or prayers on behalf on someone else SYN: intervention, negotiate, chime in ANT: disregard, ignore

39 irresolution Noun Indecision or hesitation SYN: vacillation, hesitancy ANT: resolution, certainty

40 germane Adjective Similar or relevant to SYN: pertinent, related, fitting ANT: extraneous, irrelevant, pointless

41 guttural Adjective Formed or pronounced in the throat Throaty or rasping (hoarse) NO SYN OR ANT

42 malignant Adjective Dangerous and deadly SYN: evil, injurious ANT: benign, harmless

43 petulant Adjective Irritable; peevish; rude SYN: crabby; grouchy; ornery ANT: affable; cordial, amiable

44 Pivot (appears in book as “pivoting”) Verb To turn SYN: spin, rotate, wheel ANT: none Start clip at 3 mins 30 secs atch?v=yJYH4lO6Bug&safe= active atch?v=yJYH4lO6Bug&safe= active

45 sinister Adjective Evil Accompanied by or leading to disaster SYN: dire, foreboding, menacing, ominous ANT: unthreatening

46 ulcerous Adjective Affected with an ulcer (an ulcer is something that festers and corrupts like a open sore) Corrupt and rotting NO SYN or ANT

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